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Mad River Union and Northcoast Journal readers — This is your page

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This page will be updated regularly, based on what is new in the Arcata Gateway world.

Last update:  November 3, 2023

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This website exists to provide information for you.

The Gateway Plan — in its implications and consequences — is an extremely complex matter. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Only by being informed can the public and our elected and appointed officials make the needed determinations that will create a new Arcata.

The images, maps, information, viewpoints, and policies provided by the City planners and consultants are not sufficient. People who make decisions need better information.

And remember:
A plan that is not feasible is not a plan.

If the Gateway Plan is not going to provide truly affordable housing for the people who need it, then what’s the point? If working people can’t buy a home and can’t afford the rent, then we need to think this through more.

If there is information that you’d like, or you have questions or observations about the Gateway Plan, please write.

Some ideas and articles for recommended reading

You can tap or click on any link to go to that page. Use your back-arrow to return to this page.

Looking for something in particular, or a name or a topic or something that someone said?  You can use the search box at the upper right corner of every page.

  See what’s current:  The City Council / Planning Commission portal page 

Specific Articles for readers of the Mad River Union and the North Coast Journal

July, 2024

Ministerial Review in the Gateway Area Plan – Links

Ministerial Review – Ben Noble: Form-Based Code presentation
June 29, 2022 – Part 3

February, 2024

3D images of buildings in the Gateway districts – Finally !

As a heads-up on what’s to come:  The General Plan draft Environmental Impact Report and the Gateway Code are both inadequate and sub-standard. I’ll be getting into this more in future articles. For now we have:

“I’ve seen a lot of tough eras, a lot of downturns in my life.
And times when we didn’t understand each other.
It seems like we’ve lost our heart at times.
When the fog of division, discord, and blame made it hard to see what lies ahead.

But after those trials, we all rallied around what was right, and acted as one.”

Also on  Paul Simon: American Tune

January, 2024

November, 2023


October, 2023

  • Community-Led Meeting: Tuesday, October 3rd, at the Arcata Playhouse  5:20 to 7:00 PM. More info here.

September, 2023

  • “Gateway Housing” open house meeting. Monday, September 25th, 4-6 p.m. — D Street Neighborhood Center.  More info here
  • Gateway Housing comment entry form.
    Enter your comments and views, here.
  • Community-Led Meeting: Tuesday, September 5th, at the Arcata Playhouse  5:20 to 7:00 PM. More info here.

August, 2023

Mad River Union articles:


Other links:

Previous links:

What’s new

The L Street Pathway and Linear Park


Overview and Maps


and more !  Check back later for more links for readers of the Mad River Union.

If there is information that you’d like, or you have questions or observations about the Gateway Plan, please write.