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The Gateway Code along L Street: What could be built

The Form-Based Code for the Gateway area is now called the Gateway Code. It specifies the building height and massing for each of the four districts in the Gateway area:  Barrel, Corridor, Hub, and Neighborhood. I am not implying that 5-story or 7-story buildings will be built -- only that, by code, they can be built.

A dimension beyond that known to Arcata — The Gateway Zone

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition. You've just crossed over into... The Twilight Zone." Or crossed over to -- The Gateway Zone.

Andrea Tuttle letter from February 2022 — now 23 months later

READ THIS LETTER ! Arcata resident Andrea Tuttle Ph.D. environmental planning, former Director Calif Dept. Forestry (CDF), past Calif Coastal Commission & North Coast Water Quality Control Board, principal consultant State Senate.

Could Gateway’s Barrel District be 100% free of cars? — Part 2

Culdesac became an urbanist darling in the US for its project in Tempe, a built-from-scratch zero-driving development that is transforming a vacant lot near a light rail stop into the kind of dense and walkable neighborhood that advocates say could be a model for other places trying to shun American-style car-centricity.

The Brown Act State law in Arcata — Violations and comments

The Brown Act State law in Arcata Violations and Comments The people of this State do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them. The...

Could Gateway’s Barrel District be 100% free of cars?

How about taking a big section of the Gateway area that could have housing for a thousand people -- and making it entire car-free from the start -- by designing it that way. Includes articles about the Culdesac car-free housing development in Tempe, Arizona. Reading and viewing time 7-15 minutes.

The September 25, 2023, Gateway Open House meeting – Comments from the public

Reading time: 10 minutes -- These are the comments that the public submitted at the Sept 25 open house meeting. Typed out and separated by categories, to make it easier for you to read.

CC-PC study session – Pre-Meeting Policy Ideas – Sept. 26, 2023

For their September 26, 2023, joint study session, City Councilmembers and Planning Commissioners were invited to supply their pre-meeting policy ideas. Their ideas were supplied a few hours prior to the meeting, as an addendum to the standard agenda packet. Each person's comments are included in this article.

Gateway Code form-based code – September 22, 2023 version — What’s changed

Reading time:  15-30 minutes. -- The second draft of the Gateway Code (form-based code) came out on September 22, 2023. This article compares the details of this draft as compared with the June 5 1st draft. There is much that is missing. This Gateway code is in need of much work. In my view, it is inadequate, and will lead to sub-standard results. 

To the Council/Commission: A high-density building, the State Density Bonus Housing Law, and reducing regulatory costs

Three new articles: A high-density building, the State Density Bonus Housing Law, and reducing regulatory costs. The State Density Bonus Housing Law and how it affects us here in Arcata is the single most important issue facing the Planning Commission with regard to the success of the Gateway Plan.

“Mio” apartments in Seattle — Density of 205 units per acre

Reading time: 5 minutes -- The "Mio" apartments in Seattle are 41 units with a density of 205 units per acre. I present it here not as something we can copy for Arcata, but as an example of what can be done. I do not like all of the design choices, nor believe that this design in its entirety would be suitable for us. Yet I feel we can learn and profit by looking at its design.

“Gateway Housing” Open House meeting: September 25th, 4 to 6 p.m.

The City of Arcata is holding an open house on “Gateway Housing” at the D Street Neighborhood Center, on the university side of 101 at 13th & D.  This will be on Monday afternoon, September 25th, from 4 to 6 p.m. If you are not able to attend that meeting , you can enter your comments here on

Genevieve Serna — August 28, 2023 — A letter in support of 7‐story building heights

I looked up some renderings of 7-story buildings and found this proposed construction (with no step-backs) next to two existing 2 & 3 story buildings in Spokane. While the rendered building is taller and newer than its neighbors, what’s more important is what I don’t see. The road beneath isn’t shrouded in darkness. The people in front of it aren’t eclipsed by its height. And the look of the apartments aren’t reminiscent of the Section 8 housing of the 70’s and 80’s.

L Street as a new road: What the City Planners were proposing

The Full-Width Linear Park vs. the proposed K-L Street “Couplet” -- In terms of what the L Street pathway contributes to the joy and humanity of the Creamery District, if the southbound traffic currently on K Street were instead routed to L Street — Then the L Street Pathway as we know it and love it would have ceased to exist.

The Gateway Area Plan: A modest proposal

Partial build-out of the Gateway Area Plan. The Plan was finally adopted in 2031, following nine years of discussion and community input. A minor typographical error in the final version resulted in a 70-story maximum height, rather than the previously agreed-upon 7 stories. As anticipated, many developers opted to build smaller buildings than the allowable maximum.

Pre-Meeting Ideas from our City Councilmembers: City Council – Joint Study Session – August 22, 2023

As a preview to the August 22, 2023, joint City Council / Planning Commission study session, the City Council says a big NO*NO*NO to the L Street Couplet, and a Yes to the Woonerf and full-width Linear Park. PLUS - thoughts on Inclusionary Zoning and BUILDING HEIGHTS in the Gateway area.

3D Modeling and Visualizations have been removed from the draft Gateway Area Plan

The 3D Modeling and Visualizations have been removed from the draft Gateway Area Plan. There was a placeholder page titled "Visualizations" (Page 42) and now that page is gone. On Tuesday, August 22, 2023, the Council & Commission are being asked -- once again -- to discuss building heights. And they do not have the basic tools that any planner would need in order to accomplish this.

Where are the 3D images? We need them now, more than ever before.

Solar shading, building massing, and the "feel" on the street are easily and quickly seen in a 3D image. Without the 3D image, every design aspect becomes theoretical. With 3D images, the proposed buildings become more real. Despite this, the city planners have provided practically no 3D images.

3D image showing step-backs on the the St. Vinnie’s parcel

This image was presented as a one-page handout at the June 13, 2023, Planning Commission meeting. It is a still image from the video presentation “Building and Massing” of the St. Vinnie's site on K Street.

Draft Gateway Plan Step-backs: The illustration does not show what the Plan really is

We're using Form-Based Code as a backbone of the Plan's design, with illustrations and architectural diagrams to show the intentions of the code. Unfortunately, the drafts for the Gateway Area Plan use illustrations that often misleading or actually false. It can be said that these are only "drafts"... but I think that it's time for some reality.

“Confused About Arcata’s Gateway Area Plan?” Lost Coast Outpost , January 29, 2022

This article appeared in the Lost Coast Outpost on January 29, 2022. Written by Stephanie McGeary. At that time, the Gateway Plan was proposed to be sent to the City Council by April 2022 -- 1-1/2 years ago.

Christine Perry – July 27, 2023 – New 11th Street apartments will look into my windows

"Being a survivor of sexual assault, I am absolutely terrified about strangers being able to look at me so closely (ten feet away) at all times. There is not a single one of you or them that would be okay with this happening to your/their families privacy and safety, I guarantee it. I am literally begging the council to please step in to help find a compromise that will benefit everyone. Prove to us that all community members matter."

Urban Field Studio Report: A critique

A critique of the Urban Field Studio report from the July 11, 2023, Planning Commission packet. There is further critique following the Urban Field Studio presentation at that PC meeting, available also on

Density and Feasibility Study – from Ryan Call of Urban Field Studio – July 11, 2023

IMPORTANT presentation to the Planning Commission, July 11, 2023. Can high-density tall buildings be constructed in the Gateway Area? This report presents findings on four specific sites. The answer: In theory, yes. On a practical, economically-feasible, realistic basis -- the answer is NO.

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