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This page will be updated regularly, based on what is new in the Arcata Gateway world.
Last update: November 3, 2023
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This website exists to provide information for you.
The Gateway Plan — in its implications and consequences — is an extremely complex matter. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Only by being informed can the public and our elected and appointed officials make the needed determinations that will create a new Arcata.
The images, maps, information, viewpoints, and policies provided by the City planners and consultants are not sufficient. People who make decisions need better information.
And remember:
A plan that is not feasible is not a plan.
If the Gateway Plan is not going to provide truly affordable housing for the people who need it, then what’s the point? If working people can’t buy a home and can’t afford the rent, then we need to think this through more.
If there is information that you’d like, or you have questions or observations about the Gateway Plan, please write.
Some ideas and articles for recommended reading
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See what’s current: The City Council / Planning Commission portal page
Specific Articles for readers of the Mad River Union and the North Coast Journal
July, 2024
Ministerial Review in the Gateway Area Plan – Links
Ministerial Review – Ben Noble: Form-Based Code presentation
June 29, 2022 – Part 3
February, 2024
3D images of buildings in the Gateway districts – Finally !
- 3D images of Gateway Area build-out, from the Gateway Code
- The 3D images in the draft Environmental Impact Report
- The Gateway Barrel District “Illustrative Plan” of 1,500 apartment units
- The Gateway Code (Form-Based Code) – THIRD DRAFT February 2024
There is still no mention or modification of the code for the L Street Linear Park.
Contains new 3D images of what a Gateway Area build-out could look like.
As a heads-up on what’s to come: The General Plan draft Environmental Impact Report and the Gateway Code are both inadequate and sub-standard. I’ll be getting into this more in future articles. For now we have:
- The General Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report is here — 1,990 pages
- An annotated Table of Contents for the Draft Environmental Impact Report
- The Documents of the General Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report
- The Gish Gallop — and Brandolini’s Law
“I’ve seen a lot of tough eras, a lot of downturns in my life.
And times when we didn’t understand each other.
It seems like we’ve lost our heart at times.
When the fog of division, discord, and blame made it hard to see what lies ahead.
But after those trials, we all rallied around what was right, and acted as one.”
Also on Paul Simon: American Tune
January, 2024
- A dimension beyond that known to Arcata — The Gateway Zone
Humorous but true. How many “aspirations” of the Gateway Plan seem to belong in The Twilight Zone of imagination. - “Infill Opportunity Zones” — What are they, and where are they?
- Andrea Tuttle letter from February 2022 — now 23 months later
- Arcata Ballpark – Entrance Alternatives and Survey
With closer views of the three façades, and a view of the original 1937 invoice for the construction of the ballpark — $11,577.65 - Senator Margaret Chase Smith: Honesty and Trust in the Gateway Area Plan
- The Iceberg of the Gateway Plan — and the cockroaches, mosquitoes, termites, rats, and rot.
- Nicaragua’s dictator goes after Miss Universe
- The Orange Juice Test — and the absence of Home Ownership in Gateway
- Larger issues for the Council and Commission to consider – from November 28, 2023
- Arcata’s Vision Statement: Pretty good and can get better
- Eureka’s Vision Statement — How does it compare to Arcata’s?
- Vision Statements of award-winning cities from around the world
- President of local NAACP speaks to the City Council on no community input
November, 2023
Do you want a 5-story apartment in a residential neighborhood?
- “Infill Opportunity Zones” — What are they, and where are they?
- Community-Led Meeting: Thursday, November 9th, at the Arcata Playhouse 5:20 to 7:00 PM. More info here.
- Your neighborhood is at risk of being rezoned for High Density housing
- “Wonderful World” by Sam Cooke
October, 2023
- Community-Led Meeting: Tuesday, October 3rd, at the Arcata Playhouse 5:20 to 7:00 PM. More info here.
September, 2023
- “Gateway Housing” open house meeting. Monday, September 25th, 4-6 p.m. — D Street Neighborhood Center. More info here.
- Gateway Housing comment entry form.
Enter your comments and views, here. - Community-Led Meeting: Tuesday, September 5th, at the Arcata Playhouse 5:20 to 7:00 PM. More info here.
August, 2023
Mad River Union articles:
- Our choice for Arcata – L Street Pathway and Park, or another major road?
- What the L? Couplet vs. linear park is new GAP hot topic
- Gateway Area Plan in City Council hands, requires refinement
Other links:
- Sign the L Street Linear Park petition at
Previous links:
- Your neighborhood is at risk of being rezoned for High Density housing
- “Wonderful World” by Sam Cooke
- How to contact Arcata’s City Councilmembers & Planning Commissioners — and how you can speak at a meeting
- Fred Weis explains how the April 11 Planning Commission vote on L-K Couplet went off-track
- The transcription from the April 11, 2023, Planning Commission on the L-K Street Vote
What’s new
- Click here for all the newest articles
- Creamery District meeting – May 16, 2023 – What the People want” UPDATED Creamery District / Gateway Meetings — May 16th & May 23rd
- Creamery District — Businesses and Maps
- The L Street Corridor — It’s a goldmine, waiting to happen
The L Street Pathway and Linear Park
- Learn about the L Street Linear Park
and L Street Pathway Deception here - The L Street Corridor Linear Park — All articles
- Dave Ryan says: Abandon the L-K Street Couplet.
Embrace the L Street Linear Park and Pathway.
- The L Street proposal: There’s no room for an ambulance.
- K Street / L Street Couplet Decision
Excerpt from a letter from Fred Weis to the Arcata City Council. August 16th, 2022 - L-K Street Couplet: Does the City have the Rights-of-Way?
- L-K Street Couplet? David Loya says we don’t have the property rights.
- Request for a “Plan B” if the K Street & L Street couplet cannot be constructed
- Gateway Needs Parks! and Letter to the Parks & Recreation Committee – July 13, 2022 and Quimby Act Dreams — How do we get parks in Gateway?
- The full Transportation Safety Committee page
Overview and Maps
- Overall aerial views of the Gateway Area
- Maps and aerial views of the building height districts
- 3D images and aerial views
- The latest articles. See what’s new and hot.
- Added Sept 8: The Five Biggest Myths of the Gateway Plan
- Form-Based Code – Learn more here
- The Gateway Advisory Committee page and Letters sent to the City Council and the Planning Commission about the Advisory Committee
- Home Ownership is wanted – But it likely won’t happen
and Rentals Percentage in Arcata: “Do the math” - Feasibility: Letters from Andrea Tuttle, Steve Railsback
- Sea Level Rise – the basics and Letter from Steve Salzman – March 30, 2022
- Editorials from Fred Weis
- Robert Crumb’s “A Short History of America”
- Humor and Music
- The Home page for lots of articles and links
and more ! Check back later for more links for readers of the Mad River Union.
If there is information that you’d like, or you have questions or observations about the Gateway Plan, please write.