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The Gateway Area Plan, the General Plan, the Environmental Impact Report, Local Coastal Plan… and articles about these documents.

There are many documents and videos available from the City, as well as related material. Some of it is easy to find; other docs are not so easy. The list of documents and links on this page will keep growing. If you are looking for something or can’t find something, let us know. If you’d prefer to see these documents from their source locations on the City of Arcata’s website, the links to some (not all) of the original documents can be found via the links at Gateway, General Plan, EIR documents and more — on the City of Arcata’s website. The documents and articles here include: The Gateway Plan, The Form-Based Code / Gateway Code, the General Plan, Planning Commission Discussion documents, Urban Field Studio Report – Site Testing, Arcata’s Housing Element, Infill Market Study – January 2021, the Draft EIR documents.

There are many documents and articles shown on this page, so you’ll want to scroll down to see all of what’s here. There are many, many more articles on these subjects here on Click on the “More” button, use the Table of Contents, menus, and follow your instincts.

Currently on this page, in the order that they appear:

What’s Hot • 3D images in the documents • The Gateway Code — Suggestions and Critique • The Gateway Code — Specific Issues • The Gateway Code — More discussion • The Form-Based Code — Gateway Code • Urban Field Studio Report – Site Testing • The Gateway Plan • Important parts of the Gateway Plan • The Gateway Plan – Videos and support material • General Plan 2045 Update • The Environmental Impact Report • EIR Comments and Responses • EIR – other articles • Form-Based Code: Workshops, Comments • And more !

What's Hot

3D images in the documents

The 3D images in the draft Environmental Impact Report

A series of 3D images that show the potential construction of four buildings in the Gateway Area. Rare views of a partial look of potential 7-story buildings. ******** MUST SEE ********

3D images from the Gateway Code — and no Linear Park !

For two years we have been waiting for 3D images of what a build-out might look like for the design of the Gateway Area Plan. Finally, here in February 2024, we have some 3D images of what multiple buildings in the Gateway area might look like.

3D image showing step-backs on the the St. Vinnie’s parcel

This image was presented as a one-page handout at the June 13, 2023, Planning Commission meeting. It is a still image from the video presentation “Building and Massing” of the St. Vinnie's site on K Street.

3D Images and Aerial Views

3D images and Aerial Views combined with 3D images. Get a visual representation of development in the Gateway area. Includes an imaginary proposal by local architect Julian Berg for the car-wash site.


The Gateway Code -- Suggestions and Critique

Comments and Suggestions for the Gateway Code

Comments and suggestions on the draft Gateway Code. This is the form-based code that defines the look and feel of every building, street, park. and more of everything that will be built in the Gateway area. You can use this document along with the "Guides for the Council, Commission, and Community — to the Gateway Code comments and suggestions" to learn more about developers can and cannot do.

Guides for the Council, Commission, and Community — to the Gateway Code comments and suggestions

A guide to the Comments & Suggestions on the draft Gateway from-based Code. Commissioners, Council members, and the community can find what issues with the draft Gateway Plan are important to them. The most glaring omission is the lack of anything in the Gateway Code about the planned L Street Corridor full-width linear park.

The Gateway Code: What has been discussed, and what has been forgotten?

There is much in the draft Gateway Code that the Planning Commission never discussed. And there are other topics that indeed were discussed, but the changes that were requested were never included in the Gateway Code. What happened?

David Loya’s Misunderstanding: Tenant Bicycle Storage doesn’t have to be Indoors

In the Gateway code, tenant bicycle parking does not have to be indoors. It doesn't even have to be behind a fence. In discussing this with the Planning Commissioners at their April 23, 2024, meeting, the director repeatedly referred to this as inside parking -- within the building. There is nothing in the Gateway Code that says that the secure bicycle storage space has to be inside the building -- or even inside at all.

Another Loya fallacy: “Secured” bike parking within 750 feet

In the draft Gateway Code, a tenant's bike parking could be 750 feet from their apartment -- 2-1/2 blocks away. This is absurd, as the Commissioners pointed out at their April 23, 2024 meeting. Fortunately, the Planning Commissioners accomplished in five minutes what Arcata's Community Development Director David Loya and form-based code consultant Ben Noble could not provide clarity for -- in a year.

The Gateway Code -- Specific Issues

The Gateway Code -- More discussion

Councilmembers, Commissioners: What do we want our buildings to look like?

What do we want our buildings to look like? Do we want a boxy building with 5-story walls that go straight up and completely shade the adjoining houses? It is all decided by the Form-Based Code. **** A very brief article with IMAGES that show our choices.

Former Commissioner John Barstow: Building Height, the Form-Based Code

John Barstow served Arcata on the Planning Commission and the earlier Design Review Committee for 30 years. He retired in October, 2022. He favored a four-story building height and was not optimistic about the Community Benefits program. He also recognized that "The development of the Form-Based Code is really the hard part of this process."

Issues with Ben Noble’s presentation

Ben Noble’s Form-Based Code presentation is good -- but far from perfect. The presentation could have been soooo much better.  Here's what was missing.

Marin County Form-Based Code

The Marin County Form-Based code is a thing of beauty. In addition to being a great code for Marin, it is also a valuable teaching tool, for us to read and learn about what a good form-based code can be. Includes samples of the specifications for one neighborhood type, the Core Main Street, somewhat corresponding to Arcata's Gateway area.

The Form-Based Code -- Gateway Code

The Gateway Code (Form-Based Code) – THIRD DRAFT from Ben Noble, February 2024

This is the 3rd draft of the "Gateway Code" -- the form-based code for the Gateway Area Plan, as delivered from the City's consultant Ben Noble. Dated January 31, 2023. This article contains the 3rd draft, the 2nd draft from September 2023, and the 1st draft from June 2023.

Gateway Code form-based code – September 22, 2023 version — What’s changed

Reading time:  15-30 minutes. -- The second draft of the Gateway Code (form-based code) came out on September 22, 2023. This article compares the details of this draft as compared with the June 5 1st draft. There is much that is missing. This Gateway code is in need of much work. In my view, it is inadequate, and will lead to sub-standard results. 

The Form-Based Code – draft from Ben Noble, June 5, 2023

This is the initial draft of the Form-Based Code for the Gateway Area Plan, as delivered from the City's consultant Ben Noble. Dated June 5, 2023. This entire Form-Based Code draft is 58 pages.

The draft Form-Based Code: First Impressions

A letter to Arcata's City Councilmembers and Planning Commissioners: This draft Form-Based Code has about 40% of the information and code that is needed for a good Form-Based Code. It fails to provide for the intents and interests and purposes of the Gateway Plan. It does not fulfil our needs.

Urban Field Studio Report - Site Testing

Urban Field Studio Report: A critique

A critique of the Urban Field Studio report from the July 11, 2023, Planning Commission packet. There is further critique following the Urban Field Studio presentation at that PC meeting, available also on

Gateway Density and Feasibility Study – Introduction

This is the introduction to the lengthy article on the Urban Field Studio "Code Site Test. PLEASE READ THE FULL ARTICLE ALSO. It will take about 30-45 minutes to read. The full article has both critique and support by an expert of the Gateway Plan, and a good Q&A from Arcata's Planning Commissioners.

Density and Feasibility Study – from Ryan Call of Urban Field Studio – July 11, 2023

IMPORTANT presentation to the Planning Commission, July 11, 2023. Can high-density tall buildings be constructed in the Gateway Area? This report presents findings on four specific sites. The answer: In theory, yes. On a practical, economically-feasible, realistic basis -- the answer is NO.

Urban Field Studio Report – Gateway Code Site Testing

Urban Field Studio evaluated the feasibility of the current draft Form-Based Code. They were assigned four specific sites, and asked to show whether the aims and goals of the draft Gateway Area Plan could, in their view, be achieved at those sites, particularly on being able to achieve the density of housing that the draft Plan calls for.

The Gateway Plan

General Plan, Gateway Area Plan, Gateway Code: Latest versions

Keeping track of the latest General Plan, Gateway Area Plan, Gateway Zoning Code is not a simple matter. There have been three different versions of the General Plan in one week -- twice. ------- The City Council is reviewing the General Plan, Gateway Area Plan, Gateway Zoning Code (and also the Final Environmental Impact Report), with public hearings set for May 29 and June 4, 2024. These are the versions of these documents, as leading up to those dates.

General Plan, Gateway Area Plan, Gateway Code: How many versions are there?

Keeping track of the latest General Plan, Gateway Area Plan, Gateway Zoning Code is not a simple matter. There have been three different versions of a General Plan document -- within one week. And this has happened twice. This article shows how these document-handling procedures are inadequate and poor, and differ from what is done by professionals in every field, all over the world. A solution is proposed.

The Draft Gateway Area Plan – December 2023 – Version 14a.2

The fourth draft of the "Draft Gateway Area Plan" from December 2023. In chapters for easy viewing. Also includes the July 11, 2023, 3rd draft, the 2nd draft from October 2022, and the 1st draft, from December 2021.

Draft Gateway Plan WordCloud

Which words are repeated hundreds of times in the draft Gateway plan? And which words are conspicuous by their absence? Hint: You won't find the word "sun" or "sunshine" there. Or "solar shade" or "solar shadow" either. There are over 28,000 words in this document. "House" and "Home" do not appear even once.

The Gateway plan: An Overview

Nine articles that provide a simple overview of the Gateway Area Plan. From the early days -- May 28, 2022 -- when was just 1 month old. If only we knew then what was ahead and how many more months it would be....

Parking – Selected Articles

Parking in Arcata -- Selected Articles

Important parts of the Gateway Plan

What’s in the Community Benefits Program for the Gateway Area Plan?

The Community Benefits Program for Arcata's Gateway Area Plan has gone through many twists and turns and iterations. The basic idea is that if a developer wants to build at four stories and above, there must be some "community benefits" included in the project. The community benefits evolved from a list that was developed by the Community Development Staff and the Planning Commissioners -- with, in theory, input from the public.

The Gateway Community Benefits program — Details of the “points” proposal

The Gateway Community Benefits Program is simple in concept. In order to construct a building higher than three stories -- and have it go through the streamlined "ministerial review" process -- a developer has to provide something for the community.  But the existing State Density Bonus laws may entirely subvert our Community Benefits program and render it meaningless.

State Density Bonus Laws / Inclusionary Zoning / Community Benefits — David Loya presentation

“And our design standards and Community Benefits programs are unlikely to be implemented due to waivers and concessions.” --- Arcata's Director of Community Development David Loya has provided this video presentation of the various affordable housing programs. 15-1/2 minutes, July 28, 2023. VIDEO and full TRANSCRIPTION.

3D Modeling and Visualizations have been removed from the draft Gateway Area Plan

The 3D Modeling and Visualizations have been removed from the draft Gateway Area Plan. There was a placeholder page titled "Visualizations" (Page 42) and now that page is gone. On Tuesday, August 22, 2023, the Council & Commission are being asked -- once again -- to discuss building heights. And they do not have the basic tools that any planner would need in order to accomplish this.

The Gateway Plan - Videos and support material

Building & Massing Presentation videos – August 12, 2022

An excellent presentation of Building Height and Massing in the Gateway area. 47 minutes. With 3D modeling. A "must see" video.

Watch the Video –Transcription of the Gateway Plan Presentation, with Comments & Opinion

WITH VIDEO -- A full transcription of the 1 hour introductory video presentation of the draft Gateway plan. With comments and opinions about misrepresentations and false information in the video.

Transcription of the Gateway Plan Presentation, with Comments & Opinion

A full transcription of the 1 hour introductory video presentation of the draft Gateway plan. With comments and opinions about misrepresentations and false information in the video.

Gateway Videos and Media presentations

Excellent brief video about the background and basis of the Gateway plan. Date: January 16, 2022. 3 minutes 42 seconds

General Plan 2045 Update

Notice of Public Hearing — May 14 — Arcata General Plan Comprehensive Update and Gateway Code

A public hearing on a formal recommendation of the General Plan and the Gateway Area Plan will take place Tuesday, May 14, 2024. You are encouraged to attend and to send your comments and concerns to both the City of Arcata and to

The Draft Arcata General Plan 2045 Update – December 12, 2023

Includes each Element, images of the Table of Contents for easy scanning, the full draft Gateway Area Plan Element. Also includes the full 2019-2027 Housing Element plus the description in the Housing Element of the Gateway Plan -- from 2019.

Gateway, General Plan, EIR documents and more — on the City of Arcata’s website

These are the links to a variety of documents that are available on the City of Arcata's website. In many ways, the articles containing City documents here on will be superior to the originals. There may be added links to related documents, tables of contents, documents divided into sections, instructions, annotations, and so forth. 

Useful Links

A list of useful links, including links to the City of Arcata documents, Community Visioning workshops, and many interesting and valuable websites.

The Environmental Impact Report

The Documents of the General Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report

The General Plan 2045 draft Environmental Impact Report was released to the public on January 29, 2024. These are the sections of the full document, in smaller PDF files for easier reading and downloading.

An annotated Table of Contents for the Draft Environmental Impact Report

Here is an extended and annotated Table of Contents for the 1,990 page Draft Environmental Impact Report. The Contents that came with this 1,990 page report consisted of 32 lines. This annotated contents has over 600 entries, to enable the reader to scan and find items within this document.

The 3D images in the draft Environmental Impact Report

A series of 3D images that show the potential construction of four buildings in the Gateway Area. Rare views of a partial look of potential 7-story buildings. ******** MUST SEE ********

The General Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report is here — 1,990 pages

The General Plan 2045 draft Environmental Impact Report was released to the public on January 29, 2024. The public comment period runs until March 18, 2024, 5 p.m. At 1,990 pages, this draft EIR is another example of the Gish Gallop -- lots of information, but not easy to find what is pertinent.

EIR Comments and Responses

Comments on the draft EIR from Fred Weis — What was submitted

Here's the 88-page document of comments on the draft Environmental Impact Report that was compiled and sent in by Fred Weis. With summary notes and a linked table of contents for easy viewing and to find what is of interest to you.

Andrea Tuttle: Comments on the draft Environmental Impact Report

Long-time Arcata resident Andrea Tuttle has a Ph.D. in environmental planning. She is a former director of the California Dept. of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF), a past member of the California Coastal Commission and of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (North Coast), and is a principal consultant in the state Senate. Her letter of comments on the draft Environmental Impact Report includes severe criticism. "The document needs serious editorial scrubbing and a more honest, transparent assessment of the impacts that will really occur from the planned development."

Caltrans: Comments on the the draft EIR

There are many, many errors and omissions in the draft EIR for the General Plan update, as it was submitted. Here are the comments as submitted by Caltrans.

Arcata General Plan 2045 Environmental Impact Report – Notice of Preparation

The "Notice of Preparation" for the EIR for the Arcata General Plan 2045, including includes analysis of the Draft Gateway Area Plan as a new  element of the General Plan. Dated:  February 2, 2022.

EIR - other articles

The Gateway Barrel District “Illustrative Plan” of 1,500 apartment units

The new General Plan 2045 draft Environmental Impact Report contains an image of an "illustrative plan" that shows a possible build-out design for the Gateway Barrel District. We've been waiting two years for what a potential build-out might look like. This image, plus the new images from Version 3 of the Gateway Code, have finally given us a clue.

Craftsman Mall Dorms Environmental Impact Report is flawed

The Cal Poly's EIR says "Therefore, no additional fire protection facilities are anticipated to be necessary for AFD to adequately serve the project site, and no significant decrease in response time is expected. Impacts would be less than significant." -------- This is directly refuted by the Arcata Fire District. It is not safe for people to live in 7-story buildings that do not have adequate fire and emergency protection.

David Loya at the Environmental Planners workshop – November 10, 2020

Presentation by David Loya at a "brown bag lunch" November 10, 2020. Hosted by the  Redwood Coast Chapter of the Association of Environmental Planners / American Planning Association.  45 minutes.

Form-Based Code: Workshops, Comments

Ben Noble: Form-Based Code Presentation

A short article with a link to Ben Noble's Form-Based Code presentation, from June 29, 2022. You MUST see this if you want to know more about how the Gateway Plan will work. Includes a Table of Contents to jump to a specific section of the presentation.

Form-Based Code Overview

An assortment of articles on the Form-Based Code. Consultant Ben Noble's presentation -- transcription and improved audio track. MUST-SEE for an understanding of the Gateway plan.

Form-Based Code Workshop – February 23, 2023 – Streetscape, Mobility and Parking, and Privately-Owned Open Space Standards

This workshop was attended on Zoom by 26 participants, plus five members of the City Staff and the Form-Based Code consultant Ben Noble. -------- The public offered their viewpoints on the topics of Streetscape Design, Mobility and Parking, and Privately-Owned Open Space for a total of only 20 minutes. ------ This is not the way to have the community involved in helping to make decisions that will change the form and life in Arcata. 

Ben Noble – Form-Based Code Workshop – August 16, 2022

Video of the Form-Based Code presentation by Ben Noble, August 16, 2022. 1 hour 31 minutes. This was the 2nd presentation. With some questionable survey input from about 50 participants.

And more !

Andrea Tuttle letter from February 2022 — now 23 months later

READ THIS LETTER ! Arcata resident Andrea Tuttle Ph.D. environmental planning, former Director Calif Dept. Forestry (CDF), past Calif Coastal Commission & North Coast Water Quality Control Board, principal consultant State Senate.

Letter from Nick Lucchesi – January 15, 2022

A letter from Nick Lucchesi of Pacific Builders, dated January 15, 2022. ** A must-read letter. **

Gateway topics for discussion

The “Other Considerations” table – Multiple versions

The "Other Considerations" table supposedly consists of a list of recommendations for changes to the draft Gateway Plan that were in conflict with the draft. The first table came out four months after the 2nd Gateway draft arrived, and contains only a small fraction of the comments from the City's Committees, from the public, and even from the Planning Commissioners that "do not comport" with the official viewpoints.

Density and Feasibility – Selected Articles

A selection of articles on Density, Cost, Feasibility, and more.

David Loya on Affordable Housing – May 9, 2023 staff report to the Planning Commission

Affordable Housing, Home Ownership, and Gentrification were featured topics for discussion at the May 9, 2023, Planning Commission meeting.  But there was no discussion of affordable housing or home-ownership opportunities at that Planning Commission meeting.  No discussion at all -- just a staff report on this crucial topics. **** This is that staff report -- with COMMENTARY.

The transcription from the April 11, 2023, Planning Commission on the K-L Street Vote

At the April 11, 2023, Planning Commission meeting, the matters of how to achieve increased safety on K Street and the fate of what the Commissioners want to see on L Street -- Linear Park or thoroughfare road -- was discussed. Eventually there was a vote. The vote was tallied as 4 to 2 -- with 4 members supporting the motion and 2 opposed. ******** The motion changed mid-way through the voting discussion, and does not match what the Commissioners had expressed as what they wanted.

Look & Feel and Planning – Selected Articles

The Look & Feel and Planning in the Gateway Area and for Arcata in general - with 3D images  

Arcata's Housing Element - part of the General Plan

City of Arcata Housing Element – 6th Cycle – 2019-2027

City of Arcata Housing Element - 6th Cycle - 2019-2027 - Adopted December 18, 2019. THREE DOCUMENTS: The Housing Element, the Appendices, and the Implementation Measures.

Housing Element – 6th Cycle – 2019-2027 – Implementation Measures

Implementation Measures - City of Arcata Housing Element - 6th Cycle - 2019-2027 Adopted December 18, 2019

Infill Market Study - January 2021

Infill Market Study – January 2021

Arcata Infill Market Study - January 2021 - 105 pages, plus appendix "Workforce Housing Financial Feasibility Analysis" 38 pages

Infill Market Study – “Workforce Housing Financial Feasibility Analysis” – April, 2023

"Workforce Housing Financial Feasibility Analysis" April 2023 - 38 pages. Included with Infill Market Study - January 2021

Infill Market Study – Community Engagement Report – December 10, 2019

"Workforce Housing Financial Feasibility Analysis" April 2023 - 38 pages. Included with Infill Market Study - January 2021

Local Coastal Plan update

Local Coastal Element document

This is the February 2022 draft of the Local Coastal Plan, also called the Local Coastal Element.

Local Coastal Program: “Because the public is super-confused.”

A conversation from the Local Coastal Plan workshop, December 18, 2023. "Who actually determines the ultimate scope of the EIR? And at what point do they determine that? You just need to clarify to the public -- because the public is super-confused."

Local Coastal Program – Scoping Meeting – December 18, 2023

On December 18, 2023, the Community Development Department hosted a public workshop to learn about, discuss, and contribute comments to Arcata's Local Coastal Program update. The workshop was held on a Monday from 4:30 - 6:00 PM, which prevented regular working folks from attending. The workshop was not recorded by the City. This is the presentation, in text and slides, from Amber Leavitt -- Coastal Resiliency Supervisor, North Coast District, California Coastal Commission. The comments from the participants will be assembled by City Staff and made available soon.

California Coastal Commission hears about the Gateway Area Plan

Reading time: 4 minutes -- At some point in the approval process of the Gateway Area Plan, State law requires that the plan come to the California Coastal Commission for review. This is a short introduction of the Gateway Area Plan, as presented to the Coastal Commission on September 7, 2023.

Capital Improvement Program

Capital Improvement Program – 2023-2024

Capital Improvement Program for the City of Arcata. Fiscal Year 2023 - 2024. This 72-page document is dated June 14, 2023.

More documents will be added to this page.