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Form-Based Code
Presentations, Workshops, Documents

Ministerial Review
The discussions on how it would be set up, and how it would work

The need for Planning Commission Review

Four-story hotel approved by David Loya and not approved by the Planning Commission? It’s possible.

According the procedures of the draft Gateway Code, a four-story hotel project with 85 rooms could be approved by a single person -- the Zoning Administrator. As such, the project would never be seen by the Planning Commission. A hotel of this size could, by code, have a parking lot with 3/4 acre of asphalt.

Planning Commission or 1-Person review?

Which does Arcata want? Ministerial review, to smooth the way for developers, or Planning Commission and public input, which allows for greater oversight? We can have both.

Criteria for Zoning Administrator approval be 4,000 sq.ft. — not 40,000 sq.ft.

I propose: that the criteria be much lower for Planning Commission review. Such as: PC review required for anything over 4,000 sq.ft. building area. Or: PC review required for everything (except for the simplest of projects, to be defined). How would this work? The Julian Berg Valley East project took 31 minutes to be approved. If a project is well-designed and adheres to the Form-Based Code, then approval by the Planning Commission would be smooth sailing.

Ministerial Review

Redwood City has PlanComish review

Redwood City's Downtown Precise Plan was adopted in 2011, after three or four years of development.  It is helpful to us because it incorporates a well-designed Form-Based Code -- and has a blend of Discretionary Review and Ministerial Review.

Ben Noble Form-Based Code presentation – June 29, 2022

Here is a one-hour presentation on what a Form-Based Code is, some background of its development, some examples nationally, some Northern California examples, and the nature of the Ministerial Review permitting process. 

Why this website exists

Why this website exists? Because this is what Ministerial Review looks like.  The data center building on 11th Street goes against everything that's important to us. No jobs, no vitality. This is the blight in Arcata

The Form-Based Code

The Gateway Code (Form-Based Code) – THIRD DRAFT from Ben Noble, February 2024

This is the 3rd draft of the "Gateway Code" -- the form-based code for the Gateway Area Plan, as delivered from the City's consultant Ben Noble. Dated January 31, 2023. This article contains the 3rd draft, the 2nd draft from September 2023, and the 1st draft from June 2023.

Gateway Code form-based code – September 22, 2023 version — What’s changed

Reading time:  15-30 minutes. -- The second draft of the Gateway Code (form-based code) came out on September 22, 2023. This article compares the details of this draft as compared with the June 5 1st draft. There is much that is missing. This Gateway code is in need of much work. In my view, it is inadequate, and will lead to sub-standard results. 

The draft Form-Based Code: First Impressions

A letter to Arcata's City Councilmembers and Planning Commissioners: This draft Form-Based Code has about 40% of the information and code that is needed for a good Form-Based Code. It fails to provide for the intents and interests and purposes of the Gateway Plan. It does not fulfil our needs.

The Form-Based Code – draft from Ben Noble, June 5, 2023

This is the initial draft of the Form-Based Code for the Gateway Area Plan, as delivered from the City's consultant Ben Noble. Dated June 5, 2023. This entire Form-Based Code draft is 58 pages.

The Look and Feel of the Gateway Area

Ben Noble on “Building Height Ratio” concept — Avoiding the “canyons” of taller buildings

No upper floor stepbacks = Less sun, more shading, more of a canyon along the streets of Arcata. This article is a 6-minute segment from Ben Noble, describing requirements for stepbacks in the Form-Based Code.

Councilmembers, Commissioners: What do we want our buildings to look like?

What do we want our buildings to look like? Do we want a boxy building with 5-story walls that go straight up and completely shade the adjoining houses? It is all decided by the Form-Based Code. **** A very brief article with IMAGES that show our choices.

Will upper floor step-backs vanish from the Gateway Code?

During the past more than one-and-a-half years of discussion on the draft Gateway Plan, we've seen a variety of important aspects of the plan come and go. Critical issues seemed to have arrived as firm promises and later vanished like smoke following a Planning Commission conversation of just a minute or two. Or vanished with no conversation whatsoever. *** An area that's near and dear to the hearts of Arcatans are building heights and the set-back and step-back requirements for new buildings.

3D Modeling: We’re still waiting

Original article: June 16, 2022 --We've been promised the 3D modeling for at least four or five months now. *** ONE AND A HALF YEARS NOW **** Why is 3D Modeling so important? Look at the pictures here and decide for yourself.

Ben Noble Form-Based Code Workshops

Ben Noble Form-Based Code presentation – June 29, 2022

Here is a one-hour presentation on what a Form-Based Code is, some background of its development, some examples nationally, some Northern California examples, and the nature of the Ministerial Review permitting process. 

Ben Noble – Form-Based Code Workshop – August 16, 2022

Video of the Form-Based Code presentation by Ben Noble, August 16, 2022. 1 hour 31 minutes. This was the 2nd presentation. With some questionable survey input from about 50 participants.

Issues with Ben Noble’s presentation

Ben Noble’s Form-Based Code presentation is good -- but far from perfect. The presentation could have been soooo much better.  Here's what was missing.

Other work Ben Noble has done? It’s not a good situation.

Arcata's consultant on the Form-Based Code, Ben Noble, and top City Staff have been unwilling or unable to provide suitable examples of his work. Why is the public being stonewalled? Is there something to hide?

Ben Noble Form-Based Code Workshops

Form-Based Code Workshop – February 23, 2023 – Streetscape, Mobility and Parking, and Privately-Owned Open Space Standards

This workshop was attended on Zoom by 26 participants, plus five members of the City Staff and the Form-Based Code consultant Ben Noble. -------- The public offered their viewpoints on the topics of Streetscape Design, Mobility and Parking, and Privately-Owned Open Space for a total of only 20 minutes. ------ This is not the way to have the community involved in helping to make decisions that will change the form and life in Arcata. 

Planning Commission Study Session with Ben Noble – February 11, 2023 – Course Materials

Course Materials. Form-Based Code Study Session with the Arcata Planning Commission and Ben Noble. February 11, 2023.

Planning Commission Study Session with Ben Noble – February 11, 2023 – Part 1

Part 1. Arcata Planning Commission with Ben Noble - February 11, 2023 --Form-Based Code Study Session -- 2 hours 3 minute video.

Planning Commission Study Session with Ben Noble – February 11, 2023 – Part 2

Part 2. Arcata Planning Commission with Ben Noble - February 11, 2023 --Form-Based Code Study Session -- 1 hour 43 minute video.


What makes a good form-based code?

Many form-based codes meander away from the fundamental principles that make them attractive in the first place. From the website of Smart Growth America.

Meriam Park, Chico: Where Form-Based Code didn’t work out so well

Why the Chico Meriam Park development in Chico is a terrible example of Form-Based Code

Form-Based Code Overview

An assortment of articles on the Form-Based Code. Consultant Ben Noble's presentation -- transcription and improved audio track. MUST-SEE for an understanding of the Gateway plan.

Fred Weis – April 21, 2023 – Criteria for Zoning Admin approval be 4,000 sq.ft. — not 40,000 sq.ft.

I propose: that the criteria be much lower for Planning Commission review. Such as: PC review required for anything over 4,000 sq.ft. building area. Or: PC review required for everything (except for the simplest of projects, to be defined). How would this work? The Julian Berg Valley East project took 31 minutes to be approved. If a project is well-designed and adheres to the Form-Based Code, then approval by the Planning Commission would be smooth sailing.

Other Cities and articles

Marin County Form-Based Code

The Marin County Form-Based code is a thing of beauty. In addition to being a great code for Marin, it is also a valuable teaching tool, for us to read and learn about what a good form-based code can be. Includes samples of the specifications for one neighborhood type, the Core Main Street, somewhat corresponding to Arcata's Gateway area.

Redwood City Downtown Precise Plan – Form-Based Code

Redwood City's Downtown Precise Plan includes Form-Based code and Planning Commission review. It all took 4 years to develop. The Form-Based Code can serve as a model for Arcata.

Redwood City DTTP – Explore the document

Redwood City's Downtown Precise Plan includes Form-Based code and Planning Commission review. It all took 4 years to develop. The plan can serve as a model for Arcata.

Vancouver, British Columbia: 40-story buildings proposed

A plan for Downtown Vancouver, British Columbia involves new building heights of 40-stories, seriously changing the existing neighborhood.

Chip Sharpe – May 16, 2023 – NY Times article on the origins of Zoning

The 100-Year-Old Reason U.S. Housing Is So Expensive ** Peter Coy - April 14, 2023 ** It’s Herbert Hoover’s fault. In the early 1920s, as a reform-minded secretary of commerce, Hoover wanted to bring order to America’s chaotic cities and towns. He convened a committee that drafted a model act encouraging state governments to authorize local governments to do something new: zoning.

3D Model flyover of the McKinleyville Town Center

Flyover showing the 3D model of the McKinleyville Town Center Zoning Map showing the future buildout of the proposed Town Center Core mixed use area. From July, 2021. 2 minute video