The Humboldt County Civil Grand Jury has released a report warning that the Arcata Fire District is “approaching desperate financial conditions” and may have to reduce services and close one of its stations. The report also delves into the District’s lack of a ladder truck and proper staffing to respond to fires in multi-story buildings.
The Arcata Fire District will need a large increase in funding to provide fire and safety services to Arcata's new tall buildings. It is my expressed opinion -- not based on any conversations or any outside input; just based my own speculation -- that the State of California will come up with the money, both the up-front funds and the annual expenses. I say this for a very simple reason: That something has to be done, and the local taxpayers will be completely unwilling to take on theses costs.
This is a 14 minute section of the one-hour presentation by Ben Noble, from June 29, 2022. This section includes Ben's description of of the Ministerial Review permitting process. A link to the full presentation is included.
This is a 14 minute section of the one-hour presentation by Ben Noble, from June 29, 2022. This section includes Ben's description of of the Ministerial Review permitting process. A link to the full presentation is included.
Key to the success of Arcata’s Gateway Area Plan is the quick and certain approval of all projects that meet the standards of the Gateway Code. The current draft has new Gateway buildings up to 37 feet tall – that’s three-stories, generally – being seen only by the Zoning Administrator. This one person would have complete authority to approve new projects. There would be no public hearings for these approvals.
Ministerial Review in the Gateway Area Plan
Ministerial Review is a key ingredient of the Gateway Area Plan. Ministerial Review can include the review and...
Around 2021, Mark Pahuta put up a video of Super-8 film he shot while in Arcata. The film is dated as being from 1968, but more likely it's from around 1976-1977. FILM and STILL IMAGES of Arcata from that era.
Merritt Perry has been the city manager in Fortuna for more than years. Prior to that he worked as City Engineer and director of Public Works in Fortuna for four years. He became interim City Manager following the resignation (after a second DUI) of former Fortuna city manager and Arcata city councilmember and 3-time mayor Mark Wheetley.
Three videos of the fire from June 19, 2024, in Miami. "I did get a chance to speak to one gentleman who tells me he was actually sleeping at the time. He awoke not because he smelled the smoke, not because he heard the commotion, but because he heard a firefighter knocking at his front door. That's what prompted him to get up, get outside."
The traffic crossings are not safe. IT WILL ONLY TAKE ONE FATALITY to have us wishing that we'd thought about this more and done things differently. WITH PHOTOS of 3D images, models, and flashing beacon lights.
Video and Transcriptions on the Sunset-101 Roundabout discussion. From the City Council meeting, February 21, 2024. "If you can make those changes -- the full separated bike and pedestrian facilities, the additional traffic calming measures, and getting rid of the slip lanes."
The letter that sent to the City Council, to request that the Sunset-101 Interchange funding be removed from the Consent Calendar, so that it can be further discussed. From the letter: "I believe there are unsafe elements to this design -- and that the design can be improved to make it safer for bicyclists and pedestrians. The design is good for vehicle traffic flow -- but not so good for bikes and walkers. My strong concern is that with this design there will be vehicle - bicyclist collisions. *** My concern is that someone will get hurt.***
Cal Poly Humboldt announced last week that they had bought the Humboldt Crabs baseball team. Rumors for the rationale of the purchase run rampant. Discussion changed after a leaked memo gave clues about the fate of the Crabs.
"I couldn't care less about the Crabs," this high-level university official was reputed to have written. "It's only a bargaining chip in our negotiations with the City of Arcata about us buying the ballpark."
The latest 7-story building to be approved for Gateway construction includes a full-height climbing wall. The Planning Commission was quite pleased at the innovative interpretation of the Gateway Code's Community Benefits program. Rather than have something as mundane in Arcata as a "parklet" with outdoor seating, trees, grass, places to congregate and talk, a place to meet up with friends, and so forth, this climbing wall will satisfy the requirements of all citizens in Arcata to be outdoors in a healthy, engaging environment.
At their first meeting of 2025, on January 11th, the Planning Commission found themselves looking at what would be the largest apartment ever to be approved by the Commission in the history of Arcata. The Houston, Texas, developer Max Buildout had set his sights on little Arcata. Six stories tall, directly on the L Street Linear Park, and with 3 Texas-size parking spaces.
There are many, many errors and omissions in the draft EIR for the General Plan update, as it was submitted. Here are the comments as submitted by Caltrans.
The Community Benefits Program for Arcata's Gateway Area Plan has gone through many twists and turns and iterations. The basic idea is that if a developer wants to build at four stories and above, there must be some "community benefits" included in the project. The community benefits evolved from a list that was developed by the Community Development Staff and the Planning Commissioners -- with, in theory, input from the public.
Maps that show the near-downtown neighborhoods of Arcata. With links to articles about the proposed "Implementation Measures" in the Land Use Element of the General Plan -- to re-zone these neighborhoods for high density housing, including 4-story buildings.
At Cal Poly Humboldt and in much of America, universities are supplying dorm beds for about 1/3 of their students. The universities expect private developers to build off-campus housing -- in town -- for the rest of the housing that students need. When universities expand, they aren't making enough dorms. and the shortage gets worse.
Reading time: 5 minutes -- Cal Poly Humboldt looks to expand by 6,000 students, and that may be 3,000 students more than they are building housing for. Adding students also means adding 700-1,000 faculty, staff, and support employees, plus their partners and children. Ancillary jobs in the community would add another 2,000 people. Where are they all going to live?
Long-time Arcata resident Andrea Tuttle has a Ph.D. in environmental planning. She is a former director of the California Dept. of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF), a past member of the California Coastal Commission and of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (North Coast), and is a principal consultant in the state Senate. Her letter of comments on the draft Environmental Impact Report includes severe criticism. "The document needs serious editorial scrubbing and a more honest, transparent assessment of the impacts that will really occur from the planned development."
Will Arcata Seniors move out of their homes? How this relates to the Gateway Plan in Arcata. Baby Boomer-age Arcatans may want to downsize -- but they'd want to buy a condominium, not move to a rental. And they'd want storage space, a spare bedroom, and private outdoor space. -- Reading time: 5 minutes.
"So as far as I know, at this point, the existing Class One multi-use trail will remain in its current location, in its current configuration, in perpetuity -- you know, until something else changes." -- From the March 12, 2024 Planning Commission meeting. A statement from Arcata's Community Development Director, David Loya, in which he illustrates once again that he uses language in ways that no other English-speaking person does -- and then expects us to believe what he says.
Includes each Element, images of the Table of Contents for easy scanning, the full draft Gateway Area Plan Element. Also includes the full 2019-2027 Housing Element plus the description in the Housing Element of the Gateway Plan -- from 2019.
The fourth draft of the "Draft Gateway Area Plan" from December 2023. In chapters for easy viewing. Also includes the July 11, 2023, 3rd draft, the 2nd draft from October 2022, and the 1st draft, from December 2021.
This article looks the State of California dollar figures for what is meant by "very low income" and "low income" and "moderate income" and "above moderate income" here in in Arcata and Humboldt County. These are the 2023 figures are from the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).
Here's the 88-page document of comments on the draft Environmental Impact Report that was compiled and sent in by Fred Weis. With summary notes and a linked table of contents for easy viewing and to find what is of interest to you.
Brandolini's law, also known as the B.S. Asymmetry Principle, is an internet adage that emphasizes the effort of debunking misinformation, in comparison to the relative ease of creating it in the first place. It states that the amount of energy needed to refute B.S. is an order of magnitude larger (that is, ten times larger) than is needed to produce it. -------- The Gish Gallop is a rhetorical technique in which a person attempts to overwhelm their opponents by providing an excessive number of arguments with no regard for the accuracy or strength of those arguments.
This is Colin Fiske's suggestions as to parking policies for the General Plan update, from February 11, 2024. We can note that he has written on eliminating the MINIMUM parking requirements -- that is, to have it be that a new apartment is not required to have parking. He does not speak to the MAXIMUM parking that is allowed.
There's a notion that by making it more difficult for people to USE a car, then people won't OWN a car. And perhaps in a mythical future, this may be true. But for now and likely the next 20 or 30 years, people do own cars. And there will need to be a place to park them.
For two years we have been waiting for 3D images of what a build-out might look like for the design of the Gateway Area Plan. Finally, here in February 2024, we have some 3D images of what multiple buildings in the Gateway area might look like.
Here is an extended and annotated Table of Contents for the 1,990 page Draft Environmental Impact Report. The Contents that came with this 1,990 page report consisted of 32 lines. This annotated contents has over 600 entries, to enable the reader to scan and find items within this document.
The spice tumeric, used for curries and health benefits, is often contaminated with lead, which is used to enhance its yellow color. The FDA has no standards for the amount of lead allowed in spices. In Southeast Asia, where tumeric is grown and widely used, lead poisoning in children is a major issue. Bangladesh recently took steps to prohibit the use of lead additives. India, the world's largest producer and exporter of tumeric, should do the same, but at this time has not.