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Comments on the draft EIR from Fred Weis — What was submitted

Here's the 88-page document of comments on the draft Environmental Impact Report that was compiled and sent in by Fred Weis. With summary notes and a linked table of contents for easy viewing and to find what is of interest to you.

Planning Commission annual reports to the City Council

Once a year, Arcata's Planning Commission presents a report to the City Council of its activities and progress over the previous year. This article contains videos and written reports as presented in 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019. Also includes the DRAFT written report for the 2024 presentation.

A dimension beyond that known to Arcata — The Gateway Zone

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition. You've just crossed over into... The Twilight Zone." Or crossed over to -- The Gateway Zone.

Andrea Tuttle letter from February 2022 — now 23 months later

READ THIS LETTER ! Arcata resident Andrea Tuttle Ph.D. environmental planning, former Director Calif Dept. Forestry (CDF), past Calif Coastal Commission & North Coast Water Quality Control Board, principal consultant State Senate.

Eureka’s Vision Statement — How does it compare to Arcata’s?

Eureka is vastly different from Arcata, and their vision statements reflect this. Arcata's is by far more people-oriented. Much of Eureka's vision statement is about things, buildings, and infrastructure. Overall Arcata's is connected to human feelings and psychological needs. Eureka's seems to say:  If we build a great city, then people will come and enjoy their lives here. Arcata's seems to say: If people enjoy their lives here, then we will have a great city.

Vision Statements of award-winning cities from around the world

How will Arcata look 20 or 50 years from now? A vision statement presents the city council’s ambition for the future. The vision statement sets the bar high in terms of how the city wants to be perceived by the world in the future. This article explores the components of excellent vision statements from around the world. Reading time 8-10 minutes.

The Iceberg of the Gateway Plan — and the cockroaches, mosquitoes, termites, rats, and rot.

Everyone knows the Iceberg Theory. What you see is only 10% of the iceberg. The rest of it is hidden underwater. That would be 90% that's unknown. The same is true of the Gateway Area Plan. How can anyone make a decision if 90% of what's necessary to make that decision is unknown? The answer is: You can't.

Arcata Ballpark – Entrance Alternatives and Survey

Arcata's Crabs ballpark is being updated. The City of Arcata has a survey so the public can weigh in on which of three façade and entrance designs they like.  The problem is:  The images in the survey are too small. See larger images and close-ups of the entry designs here.

Brown Act violations – A letter to our City Attorney

This letter discusses some of the numerous Brown Act iolations we've experienced here in Arcata. It was sent to the new (3 months at that time) City Attorney, Doug White, and to the City Manager; Community Development Director, and to the City Council on the evening of December 4, 2023. A presentation on the Brown Act was on the agenda for the Council's December 6 meeting. There will be further articles on this issue as we learn more from the City Attorney. Estimate reading time: 20 minutes. Can be skimmed.

CC-PC study session – Pre-Meeting Policy Ideas – Sept. 26, 2023

For their September 26, 2023, joint study session, City Councilmembers and Planning Commissioners were invited to supply their pre-meeting policy ideas. Their ideas were supplied a few hours prior to the meeting, as an addendum to the standard agenda packet. Each person's comments are included in this article.

Gateway Code form-based code – September 22, 2023 version — What’s changed

Reading time:  15-30 minutes. -- The second draft of the Gateway Code (form-based code) came out on September 22, 2023. This article compares the details of this draft as compared with the June 5 1st draft. There is much that is missing. This Gateway code is in need of much work. In my view, it is inadequate, and will lead to sub-standard results. 

Fred Weis — August 21, 2023 — Planwest 3D Massing Diagrams are missing

The "Gateway Area Form-Based Code Enhanced Content & Outreach" contract amendment with Planwest was approved eight months ago. The "Plan Area Massing Diagram" would be especially useful at this time, as we are discussing massing and building heights. This is where a 3D image really is needed. What have we received, after eight months? Nothing.

The cost of Regulations when constructing new housing: How much, and how can it be reduced?

Basic reading time: 10 minutes -- The Gateway Plan and recent & upcoming State laws all will tremendously help with the regulatory costs of building new housing. Here in Arcata, the Gateway Area Plan is specifically designed to lower the regulatory and development costs of new construction. Includes a Terner Center report on state legislation and the real costs of housing.

The Myth of “Privately-Owned Publicly-Accessible” Open Spaces

Reading time: 14 minutes -- The "Privately-Owned Publicly-Accessible" Open Space program is another ill-conceived aspect of the Gateway Plan. Again, noble in concept -- and unlikely to give desired results in its execution. A look at the design of the Privately-Owned Publicly-Accessible Open Space program, to see how it can be improved. With maps, commentary, and SOLUTIONS.

Pre-Meeting Ideas from our City Councilmembers: City Council – Joint Study Session – August 22, 2023

As a preview to the August 22, 2023, joint City Council / Planning Commission study session, the City Council says a big NO*NO*NO to the L Street Couplet, and a Yes to the Woonerf and full-width Linear Park. PLUS - thoughts on Inclusionary Zoning and BUILDING HEIGHTS in the Gateway area.

Planwest 3D Massing Diagrams are non-existent — No 3D diagrams to evaluate the Gateway heights and massing

Reading time: 4 minutes -- The "Gateway Area Form-Based Code Enhanced Content & Outreach" contract amendment with Planwest for $118,000 was approved at the December 21, 2022 Council meeting. The "Plan Area Massing Diagram" would be especially useful at this time, as we are discussing massing and building heights. Eight months later, and it's never been delivered.

Four Decision-Making Styles: Analytical, Directive, Conceptual, and Behavioral

Reading time: 5 minutes -- The Plan is not just about just creating housing. The Plan needs to be about Community. These are are PEOPLE-ORIENTED NEEDS that are part of the promises of the Gateway Plan, but not likely to occur unless we actually take some action.

350 Humboldt — August 17, 2023 — Reduce greenhouse gases, build with density, and have more low-income housing

Multi-story buildings can free up open space for creeks and public parks that will add to the area’s livability. De-emphasizing parking also frees up space and encourages reliance on public transportation. Other details in the Community Benefits package would deliver greenhouse gas reductions. These reductions are of primary importance to 350 Humboldt. However, affordable housing is also extremely important.

Daniel Chandler — August 17, 2023 — A letter from 350 Humboldt

350 Humboldt supports infill projects that accommodate a greater population density than the surrounding areas have so far. Many factors -- expansion of the university, other major developments, climate change -- are all but guaranteeing a big population increase in the near future and for some time to come. Arcata is smart to plan now.

Transportation Safety Committee Meeting – January 18, 2022

The Transportation Safety Committee met on January 18, 2022 — just six weeks after the draft Gateway Plan first came out. Gateway-related issues amounted to about 2-1/2 hours of that meeting. What is here is a 37-minute section of the audio of that meeting and a transcription of what was said. “This is an opportunity to really put our money where our mouth is in terms of making it a little less of a car-centric area.”

Dave Ryan says: Abandon the L-K Street Couplet & Embrace the Pathway

At the August 2, 2022, Transportation Safety Committee meeting Chair Dave Ryan spoke for 9 minutes on just why the plan's L-K Street Couplet should be abandoned -- and replaced with an L Street Linear Park and walking pathway -- and why this is the heart of a successful Gateway plan for Arcata.

Fred Weis – August 9, 2023 – Notes from the August 8 Planning Commission meeting

Written to the Planning Commissioners following the August 8, 2023, meeting. In the David Loya video on the Density Bonus laws, he states “And our design standards and Community Benefits programs are unlikely to be implemented due to waivers and concessions.”

Arcata General Plan 2045 Environmental Impact Report – Notice of Preparation

The "Notice of Preparation" for the EIR for the Arcata General Plan 2045, including includes analysis of the Draft Gateway Area Plan as a new  element of the General Plan. Dated:  February 2, 2022.

A vision of sustainable housing for all of humanity – Vishaan Chakrabarti

Vishaan Chakrabarti in a 10-minute TED talk. I believe that the answer is hiding in plain sight, that there is what I call a “Goldilocks” scale that sits between the scale of housing and towers: two- to three-story housing that should actually look very familiar to most of you, because we built the most beloved parts of our cities with it.

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