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Fred Weis – July 13, 2022 – to Parks and Recreation Committee

A 2nd copy of the original July 13, 2022, letter to Parks and Recreation Committee on the need for dedicated parks within the Gateway area -- in particular, playgrounds for children. Request for differentiation between adult recreation (bocce, basketball) and children's playgrounds. Request for differentiation between open space in the form of trails versus open space in the form of parks where people can congregate, sit, and play. Points out falseness of draft plan's “Existing Parks and Recreational Facilities” map.

Quimby Act Dreams — How do we get parks in Gateway?

The "plan" for human-access parks in the Arcata Gateway area is woefully inadequate. To make the Gateway area livable for thousands of people, we need real parks.

Letter to the Parks & Recreation Committee – July 13, 2022

Letter submitted to the Arcata Parks and Recreation Committee for their July 13th, 2022 meeting. Agenda item:  “Consider the Gateway Area Plan and provide a recommendation to Council”

Gateway Needs Parks!

Sure, there's open space.  But where are the parks? Gateway needs parks! How is Arcata going to supply adequate parks for 2,000 people? Parks = Community. Places to meet, talk, hang out. Children's playgrounds too. If we don't insist on this, it's not going to happen.

Fred Weis – July 13, 2022 – to Parks and Recreation Committee

July 13, 2022, letter to Parks and Recreation Committee on the need for dedicated parks within the Gateway area -- in particular, playgrounds for children. Request for differentiation between adult recreation (bocce, basketball) and children's playgrounds. Request for differentiation between open space in the form of trails versus open space in the form of parks where people can congregate, sit, and play. Points out falseness of draft plan's “Existing Parks and Recreational Facilities” map.

Parks and Open Space

Parks, Open Space, and Solar Shading  

Merritt Perry — Fortuna City Manager will be Arcata’s new City Manager

Merritt Perry has been the city manager in Fortuna for more than years. Prior to that he worked as City Engineer and director of Public Works in Fortuna for four years. He became interim City Manager following the resignation (after a second DUI) of former Fortuna city manager and Arcata city councilmember and 3-time mayor Mark Wheetley.

Gateway Plan and General Plan Updates – Newsletter – May 27, 2024

THIS NEWSLATTER WAS SENT OUT ON MONDAY, MAY 27, 2024. The two scheduled public hearings with the Arcata City Council take place on Wednesdays -- May 29 and June 5, 2024. If needed, the public hearing meetings will be continued. The City Council will consider, take public comment on, discuss, and perhaps vote to adopt the Gateway Area Plan, the Gateway Zoning Code, the Arcata General Plan 2045, and the Final Environmental Report.

A good building design for the L Street corridor woonerf

Could we have buildings with human-scale design elements here in Arcata? Yes we can. Unless we specify what we want for the buildings along the L Street corridor, then it's a free-for-all situation. This potential jewel of Arcata will look like whatever developers want. With a list of GOOD DESIGN ELEMENTS and images of a building project that would fit into the Gateway area.

L Street – 2010 Rail with Trail Feasibility Study

In June, 2010, the City of Arcata published a 160-page document titled "Arcata Rail With Trail Feasibility Study and Operations Plan." This detailed study is significant now for the Gateway Area Plan because of its depiction of how L Street would be converted into a Linear Park. With images and street designs. **** THIS IS A "MUST SEE" DOCUMENT by the Planning Commissioners, the City Council, and all citizens who want to see how exciting and desirable an L Street Corridor Linear Park could be.

Why the decision on the L Street Linear Park is so important — and so crucial

An open message to Arcata's City Council, and to every living, breathing person in Arcata who cares about our future. ---- Does a decision need to be made as to the fate of L Street, whether it's going to be a park or a thoroughfare street, prior to Ben Noble formulating much of the Form-Based Code? ---- This is the Council's chance to take an appropriate leadership position. To act otherwise is hypocrisy.

Gateway Code: What is new — and wrong — in the “May 14, 2024, Version 5” version

This “May 14, 2024” version contains changes that the Planning Commission has never seen or discussed. It contains changes where the Commission said not to change. It contains inadequate changes for things that the Commission wanted changed. It's still missing many things that the Commission brought up and did not fully resolve. It has Inclusionary Zoning wrong. And still no planning for the L Street woonerf and linear park.

Video: Planning Commission discusses the Gateway Code – April 23, 2024

What was slated to be a “final” review of Arcata’s Gateway Area Code took place at the April 23, 2024, Planning Commission meeting. On May 14, 2024, is the Public hearing on the General Plan 2045, the Gateway Area Plan, and the Gateway Code. Also on May 14 is a Planning Commission review of the three documents and the Commission's recommendation to the City Council. *** The full-steam-ahead pedal-to-the-medal accelerated pace will result in a sub-standard Gateway Code.

David Loya explains why the L Street linear park and woonerf is not in the Gateway Plan or the Gateway Code

4 MINUTE VIDEO -- David Loya attempted to explain why the proposed L Street corridor linear park was not in the Gateway Code. “We’re implementing the direction that we received in September,” he said. That is, he believed the City Council had said "No" to having the linear park in the Gateway Area Code -- or so it seemed. This is a 4-minute segment of the video of that the meeting. It's a monologue from David Loya. I regard this four minutes as a string of falsehoods, one after another. Video plus annotated transcript.

A successful woonerf and linear park in the L Street corridor needs Gateway Code policies

Requirements for a successful woonerf / linear park designation in the L Street Corridor. An initial draft of what must be added to the Gateway Code is included in this article. Reading time for the Code requirements, about 5 minutes; for the entire article about 10 minutes.

Gateway planning for Bus stops and a transit center — A missing opportunity

With the original plans of the Gateway Area Plan so deficient, much of the overview of good planning got lost. The Gateway Code has numerous errors and omissions. Among what was neglected is:  Where are the bus stops? Where is the transit center? Where is the planning?

Fred Weis speaks: The Gateway Code is not ready to be called “Final”

The April 23, 2024, meeting of the Arcata Planning Commission had a "final" review of the Gateway Area Code -- the document that defines the "look and feel" of all construction, parks, pathways, and so on that are part of the Gateway Area Plan. In the 3 minutes that are allowed for public comment -- on a document that is going to change the look of Arcata forever -- Fred Weis spoke on how the Gateway Area Code document needs considerable work before it can be considered complete.

David Loya’s Misunderstanding: Tenant Bicycle Storage doesn’t have to be Indoors

In the Gateway code, tenant bicycle parking does not have to be indoors. It doesn't even have to be behind a fence. In discussing this with the Planning Commissioners at their April 23, 2024, meeting, the director repeatedly referred to this as inside parking -- within the building. There is nothing in the Gateway Code that says that the secure bicycle storage space has to be inside the building -- or even inside at all.

Comments and Suggestions for the Gateway Code

Comments and suggestions on the draft Gateway Code. This is the form-based code that defines the look and feel of every building, street, park. and more of everything that will be built in the Gateway area. You can use this document along with the "Guides for the Council, Commission, and Community — to the Gateway Code comments and suggestions" to learn more about developers can and cannot do.

Guides for the Council, Commission, and Community — to the Gateway Code comments and suggestions

A guide to the Comments & Suggestions on the draft Gateway from-based Code. Commissioners, Council members, and the community can find what issues with the draft Gateway Plan are important to them. The most glaring omission is the lack of anything in the Gateway Code about the planned L Street Corridor full-width linear park.

Notice of Public Hearing — May 14 — Arcata General Plan Comprehensive Update and Gateway Code

A public hearing on a formal recommendation of the General Plan and the Gateway Area Plan will take place Tuesday, May 14, 2024. You are encouraged to attend and to send your comments and concerns to both the City of Arcata and to

What’s in the Community Benefits Program for the Gateway Area Plan?

The Community Benefits Program for Arcata's Gateway Area Plan has gone through many twists and turns and iterations. The basic idea is that if a developer wants to build at four stories and above, there must be some "community benefits" included in the project. The community benefits evolved from a list that was developed by the Community Development Staff and the Planning Commissioners -- with, in theory, input from the public.

71-year-old Californian explains why she won’t sell her home and downsize

Will Arcata Seniors move out of their homes? How this relates to the Gateway Plan in Arcata. Baby Boomer-age Arcatans may want to downsize -- but they'd want to buy a condominium, not move to a rental. And they'd want storage space, a spare bedroom, and private outdoor space. -- Reading time: 5 minutes.

The Draft Arcata General Plan 2045 Update – December 12, 2023

Includes each Element, images of the Table of Contents for easy scanning, the full draft Gateway Area Plan Element. Also includes the full 2019-2027 Housing Element plus the description in the Housing Element of the Gateway Plan -- from 2019.

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