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Suggestions for May 29, 2024: Gateway Area Plan, Gateway Code, General Plan, and EIR

To the City Council for the 1st public hearing at the Council on the General Plan, Gateway Area Plan, Gateway Code, and Program Environmental Impact Report. --- "As you must be aware, the Council is in a difficult situation here. You are being asked to approve a set of documents that are incomplete." With 5 very important topics suggested for review, and 5 other lesser but still very significant topics.

Gateway Code: What is new — and wrong — in the “May 14, 2024, Version 5” version

This “May 14, 2024” version contains changes that the Planning Commission has never seen or discussed. It contains changes where the Commission said not to change. It contains inadequate changes for things that the Commission wanted changed. It's still missing many things that the Commission brought up and did not fully resolve. It has Inclusionary Zoning wrong. And still no planning for the L Street woonerf and linear park.

At the Planning Commission’s first review of the Gateway Code, they asked questions for only 2-1/2 minutes.

WITH VIDEO 44 minutes. The Planning Commissioner's first review of the Gateway Code took place on June 13, 2023 -- 8 days after the first draft of the Gateway Code was released. In this review, the Commissioners spoke and asked questions of Community Development Director David Loya for a total of 2-1/2 minutes. When the time came for questions for Ben Noble, the Gateway Code's author and form-based code consultant, the Commissioners had nothing to ask him.

Video: Planning Commission discusses the Gateway Code – April 23, 2024

What was slated to be a “final” review of Arcata’s Gateway Area Code took place at the April 23, 2024, Planning Commission meeting. On May 14, 2024, is the Public hearing on the General Plan 2045, the Gateway Area Plan, and the Gateway Code. Also on May 14 is a Planning Commission review of the three documents and the Commission's recommendation to the City Council. *** The full-steam-ahead pedal-to-the-medal accelerated pace will result in a sub-standard Gateway Code.

Gateway Code Greenways are wrong. David Loya is not doing his job.

The "greenways" concept as expressed in the Gateway Code is not well-conceived. It is not written clearly, and contains numerous major errors. This was evident from the 1st draft of the Code. There have been no changes in this through the 2nd and 3rd drafts. For how long has David Loya been aware of these deficiencies and errors -- and done nothing?

The Gateway Code – Specific Issues

A guide to separate articles about specific issues in the Gateway Code.

A successful woonerf and linear park in the L Street corridor needs Gateway Code policies

Requirements for a successful woonerf / linear park designation in the L Street Corridor. An initial draft of what must be added to the Gateway Code is included in this article. Reading time for the Code requirements, about 5 minutes; for the entire article about 10 minutes.

Fred Weis speaks: The Gateway Code is not ready to be called “Final”

The April 23, 2024, meeting of the Arcata Planning Commission had a "final" review of the Gateway Area Code -- the document that defines the "look and feel" of all construction, parks, pathways, and so on that are part of the Gateway Area Plan. In the 3 minutes that are allowed for public comment -- on a document that is going to change the look of Arcata forever -- Fred Weis spoke on how the Gateway Area Code document needs considerable work before it can be considered complete.

What are the Greenways in the Gateway Code? Are they real?

The "Greenways" section is a highly confusing portion of the the draft Gateway Code. The Code should include this as guidelines for what will happen ("Greenways are required in the approximate locations shown in Figure 2-56."). But what is shown in the Code is clearly 100% overkill -- and some of it is absolutely impossible. The Gateway Code needs to be revised.

The Gateway Code: What has been discussed, and what has been forgotten?

There is much in the draft Gateway Code that the Planning Commission never discussed. And there are other topics that indeed were discussed, but the changes that were requested were never included in the Gateway Code. What happened?

Comments and Suggestions for the Gateway Code

Comments and suggestions on the draft Gateway Code. This is the form-based code that defines the look and feel of every building, street, park. and more of everything that will be built in the Gateway area. You can use this document along with the "Guides for the Council, Commission, and Community — to the Gateway Code comments and suggestions" to learn more about developers can and cannot do.

Guides for the Council, Commission, and Community — to the Gateway Code comments and suggestions

A guide to the Comments & Suggestions on the draft Gateway from-based Code. Commissioners, Council members, and the community can find what issues with the draft Gateway Plan are important to them. The most glaring omission is the lack of anything in the Gateway Code about the planned L Street Corridor full-width linear park.

Notice of Public Hearing — May 14 — Arcata General Plan Comprehensive Update and Gateway Code

A public hearing on a formal recommendation of the General Plan and the Gateway Area Plan will take place Tuesday, May 14, 2024. You are encouraged to attend and to send your comments and concerns to both the City of Arcata and to

3D images from the Gateway Code — and no Linear Park !

For two years we have been waiting for 3D images of what a build-out might look like for the design of the Gateway Area Plan. Finally, here in February 2024, we have some 3D images of what multiple buildings in the Gateway area might look like.

The Gateway Code along L Street: What could be built

The Form-Based Code for the Gateway area is now called the Gateway Code. It specifies the building height and massing for each of the four districts in the Gateway area:  Barrel, Corridor, Hub, and Neighborhood. I am not implying that 5-story or 7-story buildings will be built -- only that, by code, they can be built.

Urban Field Studio Report – Gateway Code Site Testing

Urban Field Studio evaluated the feasibility of the current draft Form-Based Code. They were assigned four specific sites, and asked to show whether the aims and goals of the draft Gateway Area Plan could, in their view, be achieved at those sites, particularly on being able to achieve the density of housing that the draft Plan calls for.

Will upper floor step-backs vanish from the Gateway Code?

During the past more than one-and-a-half years of discussion on the draft Gateway Plan, we've seen a variety of important aspects of the plan come and go. Critical issues seemed to have arrived as firm promises and later vanished like smoke following a Planning Commission conversation of just a minute or two. Or vanished with no conversation whatsoever. *** An area that's near and dear to the hearts of Arcatans are building heights and the set-back and step-back requirements for new buildings.

David Loya – March 22, 2023 – “Policy Pitch” format to the Planning Commissioners

I said at our last meeting that I would provide support for policy pitches. I’ve enclosed a format that you may find useful along with an example from our last meeting. I timed myself reading the example, and I came in at 43 seconds at a pretty leisurely pace. For decisions such as this that the other commissioners are readily compelled by the central argument, ********** we can complete discussion and make a decision in under two minutes. I would offer that we’d have little to gain by spending more time. **********

City Council / Planning Commission Joint Study Sessions: Dates, Notes, Information

Arcata joint City Council / Planning Commission study session meetings.

Meetings: Dates, Notes, Information

Arcata Community-Led Meeting --  Tuesday, September 5th, 2023, at the Arcata Playhouse - 5:30 to 7:00 PM

Glen Colwell – March 7, 2023 – BamCore high-tech green building material

This company is located in Windsor CA and is receiving recognition for “scalable, beyond-zero-carbon framing system that is custom prefabricated to millimeter accuracy and code-compliant up to five stories. “ Can the form based code include incentives for low carbon building systems in addition to requiring compliance with Title‐24 energy code? BamCore incorporates carbon sequestration, sustainability, energy efficiency, social responsibility, and reduced waste in construction ‐ so many positives.

Andrea Tuttle: Comments on the draft Environmental Impact Report

Long-time Arcata resident Andrea Tuttle has a Ph.D. in environmental planning. She is a former director of the California Dept. of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF), a past member of the California Coastal Commission and of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (North Coast), and is a principal consultant in the state Senate. Her letter of comments on the draft Environmental Impact Report includes severe criticism. "The document needs serious editorial scrubbing and a more honest, transparent assessment of the impacts that will really occur from the planned development."

The September 25, 2023, Gateway Open House meeting – Comments from the public

Reading time: 10 minutes -- These are the comments that the public submitted at the Sept 25 open house meeting. Typed out and separated by categories, to make it easier for you to read.

CC-PC study session – Pre-Meeting Policy Ideas – Sept. 26, 2023

For their September 26, 2023, joint study session, City Councilmembers and Planning Commissioners were invited to supply their pre-meeting policy ideas. Their ideas were supplied a few hours prior to the meeting, as an addendum to the standard agenda packet. Each person's comments are included in this article.

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