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Building and Massing 5: Financial Feasibility of Development

The Building & Massing Presentation that arrived on August 12 provides so much needed information, along with the first glimpses of the long-awaited 3D modeling. 5: Financial Feasibility of Development

Building and Massing 4: Height Ratios and Unit Calculations

The Building & Massing Presentation that arrived on August 12 provides so much needed information, along with the first glimpses of the long-awaited 3D modeling. 4: Height Ratios and Unit Calculations

Building and Massing 3: Proposed Setbacks and Massing Impacts

The Building & Massing Presentation that arrived on August 12 provides so much needed information, along with the first glimpses of the long-awaited 3D modeling. 3: Proposed Setbacks and Massing Impacts

Building and Massing 2: Solar Shading

The Building & Massing Presentation that arrived on August 12 provides so much needed information, along with the first glimpses of the long-awaited 3D modeling. 2: Solar Shading.

Building and Massing 1: Current and Proposed Height Standards

The Building & Massing Presentation that arrived on August 12 provides so much needed information, along with the first glimpses of the long-awaited 3D modeling. 1: Current and Proposed Height Standards.


A view of the whole story. In Arcata, California, the Gateway plan calls for 8,000 people, possibly within 8-10 years. This will alter our town forever. Is it feasible?

Bruce LeBel – August 16, 2022

"Given the need and requirements for low-income housing and ultra-low-income shelter in Arcata, what is the flexibility in the Form-Based Code for provision of low-income housing and ultra-low income shelter. (Note: IF the FBC is ultimately a means to preclude low-income housing and ultra-low-income shelter, then I will be a vocal opponent of both the GAP and the FBC basis.)"

Fred Weis – August 16, 2022

Reality is that which, when you stop believing it, doesn’t go away. -- Philip K. Dick -------- "The Gateway plan is potentially the biggest change that has ever happened in Arcata. Diligence now will pay off forever. ------ Subjects: 1. The 3D Modeling is here. 2. City Council / Planning Commission Joint Study Session next week. 3. K Street / L Street Couplet Decision. 4. Gateway Plan Advisory Committee. 5. Building Height is not a popularity contest. 6. Soils Testing in the industrial area is a must."

The Gateway Plan Advisory Committee: Why it’s crucial

If the City Council chooses to go forward without the formation of this Advisory Committee, the completion of a good Gateway plan is, in my view, doomed to fail. Sorry to say that, but it’s sure how it seems to me.

Maps: Building Height Districts

Maps of the "Land Use Designation" zoning districts of the Gateway area, with a proposal for a new district around the Creamery Building. The line through the central portion is a potential "L Street Pathway" linear park and walking "mall" that would extend from Alliance Road at the north and go to Samoa Boulevard at the south. It would be a car-free area, adjacent to the Creamery District arts area, alongside The Pub restaurant and many future restaurants and shops.

Responsible Growth Arcata — August 5, 2022

Request for the Arcata City Council to establish a Gateway Plan Advisory Committee, 1 page document. Accompanied with 82 signers including former Planning Commissioners and Committee members, members of the General Plan 2020 team, Cal Poly Humboldt professors, professional engineers, business owners, and more.

Issues with Ben Noble’s presentation

Ben Noble’s Form-Based Code presentation is good -- but far from perfect. The presentation could have been soooo much better.  Here's what was missing.

Other work Ben Noble has done? It’s not a good situation.

Arcata's consultant on the Form-Based Code, Ben Noble, and top City Staff have been unwilling or unable to provide suitable examples of his work. Why is the public being stonewalled? Is there something to hide?

We want Arcata to look like this?

Would you want to live here? Various photos of "Ugh" -- And we say:  Please not in Arcata. This page will be updated as new examples of "Ugh" roll in, so come back for more if you want. 

Letter to the Parks & Recreation Committee – July 13, 2022

Letter submitted to the Arcata Parks and Recreation Committee for their July 13th, 2022 meeting. Agenda item:  “Consider the Gateway Area Plan and provide a recommendation to Council”

Fred Weis – July 13, 2022 – to Parks and Recreation Committee

July 13, 2022, letter to Parks and Recreation Committee on the need for dedicated parks within the Gateway area -- in particular, playgrounds for children. Request for differentiation between adult recreation (bocce, basketball) and children's playgrounds. Request for differentiation between open space in the form of trails versus open space in the form of parks where people can congregate, sit, and play. Points out falseness of draft plan's “Existing Parks and Recreational Facilities” map.

Economic Development Committee meeting – May 12, 2022 – top video

Economic Development Committee meeting - May 12, 2022 With a presentation by Jennifer Dart, Deputy Director, Arcata Community Development DepartmentHer presentation starts at around 7:21...

Economic Development Committee meeting – May 12, 2022

Economic Development Committee meeting - May 12, 2022 With a presentation by Jennifer Dart, Deputy Director, Arcata Community Development DepartmentHer presentation starts at around 7:21...

Draft Gateway Plan: Policy Chapter 3: Housing – Notes

On June 28th, 2022 meeting, the Planning Commission will take up the Housing chapter of the December 2021 draft Gateway plan. Here are Notes and comments on Chapter 3: Housing of the draft Gateway Plan.

Transcript and Video: June 14, 2022 — Part 1: The Process

Another contentious meeting of the Planning Commission, with David Loya openly defying the Commissioners. The change of agenda from what was previously proposed and agreed upon is not discussed.

City’s Open House “Engagement Report” is finally (almost) here

Is this really the Community Engagement Report? The one we've been waiting FIVE -- no make it SIX -- months for? It's supposed to be a summary of what Arcatans want. Oh well. There's no Summary, no compilation of what people have said. Do we want 8-Story apartment buildings in the Gateway area? It still might be a while before we find out -- from official sources -- what the community wants. Unless, that is, we already know.

Letters to the Planning Commission — June 14, 2022

The letters to the Planning Commissioners are supposed to be in the PC agenda packets, so that the public can read them too. Unfortunately in Arcata, that hasn't always happened. Our city promises that this will get better, and that letters won't be lost. Can we believe them ?

City Council: Let’s move forward!

To the Planning Commissioners and the City Council members: Let's move forward. While it's all good to be looking at the different pieces of the draft Gateway plan as you've been doing, there are larger unanswered questions present. It is my view that if you can get matters settled, then there'll be more efficient motion toward accomplishing what we all want:  A good plan for the Gateway area.

Highly Recommended

A view of the whole story. In Arcata, California, the Gateway plan calls for 8,000 people, possibly within 8-10 years. This will alter our town forever. Is it feasible?

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