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The Iceberg of the Gateway Plan — and the cockroaches, mosquitoes, termites, rats, and rot.

Everyone knows the Iceberg Theory. What you see is only 10% of the iceberg. The rest of it is hidden underwater. That would be 90% that's unknown. The same is true of the Gateway Area Plan. How can anyone make a decision if 90% of what's necessary to make that decision is unknown? The answer is: You can't.

“Infill Opportunity Zones” — What are they, and where are they?

Reading time: 5 minutes -- There are many references to the City's four "Infill Opportunity Zones" as identified in the 2019 Housing Element. "These infill zones were areas designated for high-density redevelopment to help meet the housing objectives the City has." The actual map is not so easy to find. Here is the map, with detailed views and some commentary.

Larger issues for the Council and Commission to consider – November 28, 2023

The letter below was sent on November 28, 2023 to the members of the City Council, the Planning Commission, and the Community Development Director. It outlines some (not all) of the larger issues regarding the expansion of housing that have not been adequately brought up for discussion or resolution. Estimate reading time 6 minutes.

The California Inclusionary Housing Programs searchable database

Do you want to look up what the Inclusionary Housing requirements are in, say, Healdsburg, Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Berkeley, Santa Cruz, West Hollywood, or Goleta? Here's where you can find that data, for both renting and owning. The results can be viewed on-line or printed out. The California Inclusionary Housing Programs searchable database.

Arcata’s Housing Element calls for 20% affordable housing for the Gateway Plan. What happened?

Arcata's Housing Element specifies that 20% of the new apartments in the Gateway area be affordable at 80% mean income level. The current draft plan is satisfied with just 6%. Have we given up on seeing affordable housing in the Gateway area? Is the City of Arcata abandoning the requirements of the Housing Element? Reading time 4 minutes.

Exposing David Loya’s notions: Retain the Gateway Area Plan for Gateway only, or make its policies be City-wide?

Reading time 5 to 20 minutes. Where does David Loya get his ideas? What is the source of the notion of dissolving the Gateway Area Plan and make its policies be city-wide. This will be discussed at the November 15, 2023, Council meeting and hopefully will be rejected. Article includes videos, transcriptions, specific proposed policies and a "What's next?" section of what is still missing (after two years of talking) from the Gateway Area Plan.

New Commissioner Matt Simmons proposes huge changes to established neighborhoods

Planning Commissioner Matt Simmons proposed a change in the zoning of established Arcata neighborhoods, from Residential Low Density to Residential High Density. What is behind his rationale? Would such zoning change help people find housing?

Santa Cruz takes building height and inclusionary housing to the VOTERS

Reading time: 8 minutes -- Citizens in Santa Cruz have a ballot measure to provide 25% affordable housing in new construction, and required a vote of the people for buildings over 8 stories.

The September 25, 2023, Gateway Open House meeting – Comments from the public

Reading time: 10 minutes -- These are the comments that the public submitted at the Sept 25 open house meeting. Typed out and separated by categories, to make it easier for you to read.

CC-PC study session – Pre-Meeting Policy Ideas – Sept. 26, 2023

For their September 26, 2023, joint study session, City Councilmembers and Planning Commissioners were invited to supply their pre-meeting policy ideas. Their ideas were supplied a few hours prior to the meeting, as an addendum to the standard agenda packet. Each person's comments are included in this article.

Arcata’s Gateway Plan, described by Artificial Intelligence

Reading time:  3 minutes -- This article is presented here not as a guide, but for our smiles. How does an AI program describe our Gateway Area Plan? It is not entirely accurate in places. But for an overall view of the Gateway Plan, it's actually pretty good.

Gateway Code form-based code – September 22, 2023 version — What’s changed

Reading time:  15-30 minutes. -- The second draft of the Gateway Code (form-based code) came out on September 22, 2023. This article compares the details of this draft as compared with the June 5 1st draft. There is much that is missing. This Gateway code is in need of much work. In my view, it is inadequate, and will lead to sub-standard results. 

The cost of Regulations when constructing new housing: How much, and how can it be reduced?

Basic reading time: 10 minutes -- The Gateway Plan and recent & upcoming State laws all will tremendously help with the regulatory costs of building new housing. Here in Arcata, the Gateway Area Plan is specifically designed to lower the regulatory and development costs of new construction. Includes a Terner Center report on state legislation and the real costs of housing.

Big Issues of the Gateway Plan: Fire Protection — and a solution

Reading time: 8 minutes -- It is my opinion that, given time, the AFD, the City of Arcata, and Cal Poly will find a solution to the Fire Protection issue. In this BRIEF article, a possible solution is offered so that taller buildings can be planned for in the Gateway area. **** WITH VIDEO from the August 22, 2023, City Council / Planning Commission joint study session.

Sherri Starr — Tuesday, August 22, 2023 — Please consider form-based code for specific blocks, especially alongside the L St path

Please consider form-based code for specific blocks, especially alongside the L St path. Please zone appropriately for this small town. Please respect existing homes’ right to solar access when setting standards for setbacks and step-backs. Please insist that Staff provide us with the 3D modeling that has been paid for. --- Keep in mind - zoning doesn’t get housing built. Favorable economic conditions gets housing built. No matter how easy you think zoning will make development, if developers can’t make money on their development, they won’t build.

Pre-Meeting Ideas from our City Councilmembers: City Council – Joint Study Session – August 22, 2023

As a preview to the August 22, 2023, joint City Council / Planning Commission study session, the City Council says a big NO*NO*NO to the L Street Couplet, and a Yes to the Woonerf and full-width Linear Park. PLUS - thoughts on Inclusionary Zoning and BUILDING HEIGHTS in the Gateway area.

Four Decision-Making Styles: Analytical, Directive, Conceptual, and Behavioral

Reading time: 5 minutes -- The Plan is not just about just creating housing. The Plan needs to be about Community. These are are PEOPLE-ORIENTED NEEDS that are part of the promises of the Gateway Plan, but not likely to occur unless we actually take some action.

Daniel Chandler — August 17, 2023 — A letter from 350 Humboldt

350 Humboldt supports infill projects that accommodate a greater population density than the surrounding areas have so far. Many factors -- expansion of the university, other major developments, climate change -- are all but guaranteeing a big population increase in the near future and for some time to come. Arcata is smart to plan now.

Former Commissioner John Barstow: Building Height, the Form-Based Code

John Barstow served Arcata on the Planning Commission and the earlier Design Review Committee for 30 years. He retired in October, 2022. He favored a four-story building height and was not optimistic about the Community Benefits program. He also recognized that "The development of the Form-Based Code is really the hard part of this process."

After telling the Council we’ll see Inclusionary Zoning, what Loya has provided is worthless

David Loya spoke: "There is the full intent to have an inclusionary zoning requirement in the Gateway Area Plan." -- "... in the Mission Statement is to create mixed-use, mixed-income projects. And so the way that we intend to do that is through Inclusionary Zoning." ** Unfortunately, the "inclusionary zoning" that is there is worthless.

Draft Gateway Form-Based Code yields very little Inclusionary Zoning homes

The long-awaited initial draft of the Form-Based Code finally arrived. As promised, it does contain requirements for Inclusionary Zoning in the Gateway Area. *** Unfortunately the Inclusionary Zoning requirements are ridiculously low. To even call this "inclusionary zoning" is a stretch. This would be laughable except that this is a such serious matter -- and so important for the people of Arcata and for the future of Arcata.

Gateway Plan needs inclusionary affordable housing requirements, says Rebecca Buckley-Stein

Rebecca Buckley-Stein spoke to the City Council on March 1, 2023, about the need to have inclusionary affordable housing as part of the Gateway Plan. What is Inclusionary Zoning? Your questions answered, plus additional resource links.

What is “walking distance” from the Plaza or from Cal Poly Humboldt?

The City planners consider walking distance as an "as the crow flies" distance -- NOT a real-life walking distance. This a entire “10 minute walk” map is very misleading. It is a computer-drawn map with no regard to actually walking along a street. Yes, the Gateway area is close to town, and, yes, it is walking distance to many locations. But it is not true that “the Arcata sports complex is just within a 10-minute walk.” A person has to cross Highway 101 on 7th Street to get to the Sports Complex.

​“Anxiety on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.”

At their March 1 and April 5, 2023, meetings, the Arcata City Council formally directed the Planning Commission to do as much as it can -- as fast as it can -- to create complete and workable drafts of Arcata's new General Plan update, the new Gateway Area Plan, and the brand-new first-time-ever Form-Based Code for the Gateway area. The Council has requested complete working drafts of these three documents by the end of June, 2023 -- now (at the time of this writing) under 3 months away. ---- As the former Community Development Department long-time employee often said: "ANXIETY ON YOUR PART DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN EMERGENCY ON MY PART."

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