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The Gateway Code along L Street: What could be built

The Form-Based Code for the Gateway area is now called the Gateway Code. It specifies the building height and massing for each of the four districts in the Gateway area:  Barrel, Corridor, Hub, and Neighborhood. I am not implying that 5-story or 7-story buildings will be built -- only that, by code, they can be built.

The Gateway Code (Form-Based Code) – THIRD DRAFT from Ben Noble, February 2024

This is the 3rd draft of the "Gateway Code" -- the form-based code for the Gateway Area Plan, as delivered from the City's consultant Ben Noble. Dated January 31, 2023. This article contains the 3rd draft, the 2nd draft from September 2023, and the 1st draft from June 2023.

The Gateway Barrel District “Illustrative Plan” of 1,500 apartment units

The new General Plan 2045 draft Environmental Impact Report contains an image of an "illustrative plan" that shows a possible build-out design for the Gateway Barrel District. We've been waiting two years for what a potential build-out might look like. This image, plus the new images from Version 3 of the Gateway Code, have finally given us a clue.

The 3D images in the draft Environmental Impact Report

A series of 3D images that show the potential construction of four buildings in the Gateway Area. Rare views of a partial look of potential 7-story buildings. ******** MUST SEE ********

“It’s Halftime in America” – Super Bowl commercial, 2012

The 2-minute Super Bowl commercial from 2012. ---- "It's halftime in America, too. People are out of work and they're hurting. And they're all wondering what they're going to do to make a comeback. And we're all scared, because this isn't a game."

“The Cog” — the two-minute Rube-Goldberg commercial for Honda

In an era of computer-generated images (CGI) and artificial-intelligence graphics, it is fun to look back on the joyfulness and creativity from pre-CGI imaginations, just 20 years ago.

The Documents of the General Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report

The General Plan 2045 draft Environmental Impact Report was released to the public on January 29, 2024. These are the sections of the full document, in smaller PDF files for easier reading and downloading.

The General Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report is here — 1,990 pages

The General Plan 2045 draft Environmental Impact Report was released to the public on January 29, 2024. The public comment period runs until March 18, 2024, 5 p.m. At 1,990 pages, this draft EIR is another example of the Gish Gallop -- lots of information, but not easy to find what is pertinent.

Planning Commission annual reports to the City Council

Once a year, Arcata's Planning Commission presents a report to the City Council of its activities and progress over the previous year. This article contains videos and written reports as presented in 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019. Also includes the DRAFT written report for the 2024 presentation.

A dimension beyond that known to Arcata — The Gateway Zone

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition. You've just crossed over into... The Twilight Zone." Or crossed over to -- The Gateway Zone.

Andrea Tuttle letter from February 2022 — now 23 months later

READ THIS LETTER ! Arcata resident Andrea Tuttle Ph.D. environmental planning, former Director Calif Dept. Forestry (CDF), past Calif Coastal Commission & North Coast Water Quality Control Board, principal consultant State Senate.

Arcata’s Vision Statement: Pretty good and can get better

The Vision Statement for Arcata's General Plan update is still a work in progress. At a hastily convened joint study session held on November 28, 2023, (after Thanksgiving weekend), the City Council and Planning Commission edited the previous version. They came up with a pretty good Vision Statement -- but still not complete.

Eureka’s Vision Statement — How does it compare to Arcata’s?

Eureka is vastly different from Arcata, and their vision statements reflect this. Arcata's is by far more people-oriented. Much of Eureka's vision statement is about things, buildings, and infrastructure. Overall Arcata's is connected to human feelings and psychological needs. Eureka's seems to say:  If we build a great city, then people will come and enjoy their lives here. Arcata's seems to say: If people enjoy their lives here, then we will have a great city.

Vision Statements of award-winning cities from around the world

How will Arcata look 20 or 50 years from now? A vision statement presents the city council’s ambition for the future. The vision statement sets the bar high in terms of how the city wants to be perceived by the world in the future. This article explores the components of excellent vision statements from around the world. Reading time 8-10 minutes.

Local Coastal Program – Scoping Meeting – December 18, 2023

On December 18, 2023, the Community Development Department hosted a public workshop to learn about, discuss, and contribute comments to Arcata's Local Coastal Program update. The workshop was held on a Monday from 4:30 - 6:00 PM, which prevented regular working folks from attending. The workshop was not recorded by the City. This is the presentation, in text and slides, from Amber Leavitt -- Coastal Resiliency Supervisor, North Coast District, California Coastal Commission. The comments from the participants will be assembled by City Staff and made available soon.

Local Coastal Program: “Because the public is super-confused.”

A conversation from the Local Coastal Plan workshop, December 18, 2023. "Who actually determines the ultimate scope of the EIR? And at what point do they determine that? You just need to clarify to the public -- because the public is super-confused."

Senator Margaret Chase Smith: Honesty and Trust in the Gateway Area Plan

Margaret Chase Smith served in U.S. Congress for 33 years, from 1940 to 1973, both in the House and as a Senator. She was the first woman to run for the presidential nomination of a major political party. She was a strong supporter of the space program, increased educational funding, civil rights, and Medicare. Her words on TRUST may be useful while we are looking at the Gateway Area Plan and Arcata's General Plan.

The Iceberg of the Gateway Plan — and the cockroaches, mosquitoes, termites, rats, and rot.

Everyone knows the Iceberg Theory. What you see is only 10% of the iceberg. The rest of it is hidden underwater. That would be 90% that's unknown. The same is true of the Gateway Area Plan. How can anyone make a decision if 90% of what's necessary to make that decision is unknown? The answer is: You can't.

Could Gateway’s Barrel District be 100% free of cars? — Part 2

Culdesac became an urbanist darling in the US for its project in Tempe, a built-from-scratch zero-driving development that is transforming a vacant lot near a light rail stop into the kind of dense and walkable neighborhood that advocates say could be a model for other places trying to shun American-style car-centricity.

Arcata Ballpark – Entrance Alternatives and Survey

Arcata's Crabs ballpark is being updated. The City of Arcata has a survey so the public can weigh in on which of three façade and entrance designs they like.  The problem is:  The images in the survey are too small. See larger images and close-ups of the entry designs here.

“Infill Opportunity Zones” — What are they, and where are they?

Reading time: 5 minutes -- There are many references to the City's four "Infill Opportunity Zones" as identified in the 2019 Housing Element. "These infill zones were areas designated for high-density redevelopment to help meet the housing objectives the City has." The actual map is not so easy to find. Here is the map, with detailed views and some commentary.

President of local NAACP speaks to the City Council on no community input

Dr. Johnson is Director of the Multicultural & Equity Center at College of the Redwoods. He is the president of the local Eureka chapter of the NAACP. On December 12, 2023, Dr. Johnson spoke to the City Council on the lack of open public input in the process of selecting Arcata's new Chief of Police.

Nicaragua’s dictator goes after Miss Universe

Miss Nicaragua was crowned as Miss Universe. She has been widely portrayed as a symbol of opposition to Nicaragua's dictator, Daniel Ortega, and led to joyful demonstrations of protest against the repressive government. Here's the story. Reading time: 3-8 minutes.

Lessons from a Modern Master of Low-Rise Housing

Good design is the make-or-break element on whether dense housing is livable and uplifting or whether it feels packed and depressing. Affordable housing should not be burdened with poor design. And just because we are in need of housing here in Arcata does not mean that we should accept poor designs and general unawareness of the human needs for enjoyable living spaces. Reading time: 9 minutes.

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