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HomeArcataArcata & CommunityWhat People Wrote - at the May 16th Creamery meeting

What People Wrote – at the May 16th Creamery meeting

To see the comments that people wrote, click here.
To see the images of what they wrote, click here.

Other related articles:    Creamery District meeting – May 16, 2023 – What the People want
Creamery District / Gateway Meetings — May 16th & May 23rd
David Loya Trashes the Creamery Discussion – May 16, 2023

It was not an open discussion meeting

The Community Development Department held its neighborhood Creamery District meeting at the Arcata Playhouse on Tuesday, May 16th. City staff present were Community Development Director David Loya, Jen Dart, and Gillen Tener Martin. In addition to staff, about 42 people attended.

In his introduction David Loya made clear what he was there to discuss. What the people there wanted to talk about apparently was not of large importance.

There was some agitation and grumbling among the participants during this intro. There were people present who thought that this meeting would be an open discussion about how the Gateway Plan might affect the Creamery District. Specifically, people wanted to discuss the question of the L Street Corridor Linear Park. Equally specifically, David Loya told the group that the Linear Park was not one of the topics on that evening’s list of topics to be discussed. But people could bring it up at the “Open Ideas” table.

The written comments give some clues on what the participants were there to talk about

“Four stories max” and “L Street Linear Park” were repeated in different forms many times.

In discussing how the meeting went, one person who engaged in a variety of discussions wrote this:

Many folks wanted to talk about building height and the linear park.

Even though those seemed relevant at the ‘cool things we want to keep’ and ‘design’ table—Gillen really pushed back on that and didn’t want it discussed. Community members kept finding ways to try and get it into the comments (by saying ‘keep the trail’, ‘make it a car-free area’).

Someone (I think Faye Honorof) also asked if they are tracking the turnout of these public meetings, and if they are showing not just comments from community members but also HOW MANY voice support or dislike of certain things. Gillen said no and something like it wouldn’t be a fair picture of community sentiment because not everyone comes to meetings. I thought that was interesting.”


The Comments from the participants 

The Post-it Notes

If maximum building height is 7 stories how much higher can a build be built with 100% bonus density? 12 stories? 14 stories?
Make the Creamery area the “5th district” in gateway plan, Respecting the historic site, the community gathering, Arts + small business incubator of this area
​Primary concerns:  Height, Parking, L Couplet, Principal review, mixed housing types, incorporate businesses.
Public feedback not showing up in changes.
4 stories max 
Where is all the public input going?
Adequate / realistic parking 
No L-couplet / Yes Linear park 
Principal review only = not good. Have community input for certain size projects (Concerns / hopes)
Mixed housing types & mixed uses (business + housing)
4 stories max
Improve K St ASAP
L St no cars
Keep L St. car free
No couplet
We have a unique chance in Arcata to create a lovely Linear Park
Stop at 4 story height limit as the rest of the City of Arcata
Stop at 4 stories
“Vortex bladeless wind turbine” retrofitted as street lights.
A central warehouse on the city limits where large trucks were to off load goods which would then be delivered to stores via a fleet of electric vans would eliminate the need for making a thoroughfare out of the non-existent ‘L’ Street.
Gateway – No more than 4 stories !
City mailer RE: Gateway
Force builders who are not familiar with local climate to hire local building consultant (Keep Grant$ Local)
Linear Park will make our Gateway pleasant. “First Impressions”
I propose NO Buildings taller than the Creamery be built on any side of the Creamery. No height Dominance immediately around Creamery!
Community benefits
L St. Linear Park
What would be the mechanism for establishing this under current state regs re: housing density
No L Street as couplet
L St should not be a through street
Keep linear park & trail for bikes & pedestrians only
Basically car free
Protect the L St corridor and make it a linear park as the 2010 Rail w/ Trail Feasibility Study
Isn’t Grant money intended to stimulate Local economy?
K St. concerns – Stop signs, Stop light, Flashing crosswalks, bulb outs, reduce speed limit.
Parking structure & trolley to downtown
Remove parking on K St to allow for biking & bike lanes.
Signage to direct people off K St.
Paint curbs red on K Street so it’s clear where we can/can’t park
Protect wetlands especially linear ditch south of 7th St. that is a Fish & Wildlife designated wetland & used for flood control as well.
People have concerns about Cal Poly growth & lack of pre-planning for student housing.
Focus on Open Space as shared amenity
New Library
Community project impact fee
Ownership ops
CPH May buy up properties & build what they want
Set heights lower than they currently are
What about fire service
Linear park is our Gateway when Great Redwood Trail Arrives here
Stop at 4 story height limit as the rest of the City of Arcata
Stop at 4 stories
Protect Creamery Bld – historic [fees] must be paid in Creamery dev.
Arts fund rather than Public Art – let the artists decide
Building dev must use “arts community benefits” if dev in Creamery
Emphasize park space as a community benefit
Incorporated wetlands next to pathways as privately owned public spaces as a community benefits


The Posters on Design Standards and “Cool Items”

“Design standards” – Page 1
Solar, nesting site, grey water features
Natural lines (not harsh / boxy – broken up, diverse, not super sleek)
Take environmental cues
Bird-safe windows
Rooftop garden
Not a fan of floor to ceiling glass
No Mission architecture
Weather efficient; insulated – consider mold – carbon board
American Clay
Art – murals
Indigenous features (round openings)
“Design standards” – Page 2
Outdoor space – don’t compromise on
Don’t limit colors, allow variation – no presets
Living roofs
Operational windows
Variation in siding / materials
Water collection
Bike room / infrastructure – 1st floor – easy roomy
Avoid uniformity
Build with character
Street trees
Creamery as an example of desired setback
Wide sidewalks (wider than 8 ft on new development?)
Underground parking? (Groundwater?)
Plan for rain – covered archways / entries/exits – especially commercial – balconies
Accessible features – ADA parking – ensure spaces for persons with disabilities / elderly
Architectural styles that compliment the existing Creamery architecture
EV vehicles infrastructure
Varying sizes of units
“Cool ideas / Preserve / Protect” – Page 1
New home for Arcata Library
Trails – Linear Park
Arcata Playhouse
Kinetic Lab (historic site, not owned)
Building itself – historic structure
Rent control / Affordable housing
Historic architectural design / Precedent
Can Creamery be its own district within the plan? Historic features that have specific needs for protections
Kid friendly dance studio, keeping family-oriented dance studios, play areas
Open space/field – organically created / feel
Not a whole lot of traffic
Electric golf carts on the road (in car-free districts) besides Barrel District
Creek daylighting
Artist-oriented / celebrated; old Arcata innovation
More murals
“Cool ideas / Preserve / Protect” – Page 2
Wetlands as privately-owned public space
Live / work community
Honor Wiyot
Honor railroad history
Protect our local economy
Roads blocked off
Mixed use, greenery / open spaces
Think about gentrification / forcing artists out in this
Commercial first floor ( restaurants / galleries)
Great Redwood Trail / bike tourism (could bike to / from SF)
Things to protect: natural amenities – water, air, wildlife corridors
Preserving open spaces at north and south
Daylighting creeks! Salmon found in Arcata creeks
Easements – open space easements, frontages – open up space on corridors
Ensure “missing middle” housing / home ownership opportunities
Neighborhood meetings / open dialogue
More Creamery meetings / engagement
“Cool Cont.” – Page 3
Keep business / commercial features
Nothing dominates Creamery Building
Preserve arts / business – focused title of District – make more explicit
Keep noise / loud spaces – artist district
Design standards:
Setback considerations – enough to give sidewalks space
Stepbacks / setbacks for shading re: existing structures; gathering on streets
Setbacks more than 10 feet back (solar shading models)
Solar on top of parking structures / carports
Solar water heating
Practical / usable architectural features
Courtyards / parklets (children-friendly) – intermixed
Areas for edible gardens / community gardens
Flexible colors / allowing tenants to have say in colors



The images of what was written




Here are the individual notes that people wrote and posted.
These are ALL of the notes. 
That is, if you see “No L Couplet / Yes Linear Park” or other words to that effect, that’s what people wrote… and no one wrote “Make L Street into a major arterial truck route thoroughfare so we can get more traffic into the Creamery District.”