Sharon King – April 17, 2023



    Sharon King’s letter to the City of Arcata’s City Council, Planning Commissioners, and Staff, from April 17, 2023. 
    Sharon King wrote a letter on January 4, 2023 (here on this website), that unfortunately was never included in the City’s “Public Comments” section. She wrote:
    “I believe in basic human rights, of which housing is one, and should be for everyone. But it isn’t houses, anymore,  that we are talking about. These structures are not houses.  
    What people need is a home, a sanctuary, a resting place, to have peace, and beauty, and joy. That is what we want.  Homes.”

    April 17, 2023
    Honorable Mayor, City Council members, Planning Commissioners:
    I’m writing regarding the proposal of creating a vehicle roadway where the L Street Linear Park could be, and already exists, although in its infancy form.
    The L Street corridor has created a peaceful, accessible, aesthetic alternative to roads with cars. We are extremely lucky that we have it, so far.
    If there were a road there that included vehicle traffic, even with some kind of barrier, its aesthetic value would be gone.
    If I were a mother, I would not take my children there. If I had a dog, we would go elsewhere. If I wanted to visit with friends, not there. If I were taking a walk, a bike ride, a run: no. Whatever draws me there now will be gone. We will not do art there, make music there, sit in the shade with a sandwich.
    I have gratitude for all that our Commissioners and Council do for us. Please listen before it is too late, to the people in Arcata who are asking you to not allow vehicles on L Street.
    So many members of the community want a linear park with no impinging roadway, bringing all that we know roads and their traffic bring.
    Let us have this one thing: a beautiful, inclusive, needed sanctuary.
    Thank you,
    Sharon King