Rick Knapp – August 23, 2022





    Note:  What is shown below is a copy of the original letter, made for this website.  It is included here only so that the contents of the original letter can be searchable.  (The PDF received from the City is in the form of an image, and so is not a searchable document.)

    What is below is not the letter sent by the letter-writer. It will contain typographical errors and other departures from the original.  The PDF displayed above is accurate.  The text below is not accurate.  It is printed here for indexing purposes, so that each word can be indexed and included in the search.

    I would like to express our strong support for the conversion of K and L Streets from two way to one way in order to
    better accommodate bicycle and pedestrian traffic in the corridor as part of the Gateway Plan. We would like to be
    involved in the specific design of facilities when the design stage is undertaken to assure that the best possible design is
    undertaken to provide for safe and efficient bicycle travel. Thank you for proposing this in the draft plan.
    Rick Knapp, President, Humboldt Bay Bicycle Commuters Association