Randy Klein — August 10, 2022



    Note:  What is shown below is a​ copy of the original letter, made for this website.  It is included here only so that the contents of the original letter can be searchable.  (The PDF received from the City is in the form of an image, and so is not a searchable document.)

    What is below is not the letter sent by the letter-writer. It will contain typographical errors and other departures from the original.  The PDF displayed above is accurate.  The text below is not accurate.  It is printed here for indexing purposes, so that each word can be indexed and included in the search.


    To: Julie Vaissade-Elcock; Scott Davies; John Barstow; Christian Figueroa; Judith Mayer; Dan Tangney; Kimberley
    White; Jennifer Dart
    Subject: Please Establish the Gateway Plan Advisory Committee
    Date: Wednesday, August 10, 2022 9:47:03 AM
    CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open
    attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

    Dear Planning Commissioners:
    This is to convey my full support for establishing a Gateway Plan Advisory Committee. The intention of
    this Advisory Committee is to assist the City of Arcata in developing a high-quality Gateway Plan that is
    community-led and reflective of Arcata‘s vision for its future. Many flaws have been described in the draft
    plan, with Dr. Andrea Tuttle’s the most comprehensive I am aware of. An advisory committee composed
    of civic-minded, dedicated, and well-informed individuals can help ensure that this large development
    project becomes an asset to Arcata citizens rather than a burden and an eyesore.
    Thank you,
    Randy Klein
    Arcata, CA 95521