Jessica (no last name) — August 20, 2023 — I support the strategic use of taller buildings



    Note:  What is shown below is a copy of the original letter, made for this website.  It is included here only so that the contents of the original letter can be searchable.  (The PDF received from the City is in the form of an image, and so is not a searchable document.)

    What is below is not the letter sent by the letter-writer. It may contain typographical errors and other departures from the original.  The PDF displayed above is accurate.  The text below is not accurate.  It is printed here for indexing purposes, so that each word can be indexed and included in the search.

    I strongly support the Gateway Plan as a template for climate-friendly development of
    desperately needed housing in Arcata. Arcata can help lead the way for Humboldt.
    I support denser development in the Gateway Area. Density is climate-friendly,
    encourages equitable transportation, and prevents sprawl. I welcome the strategic use
    of taller buildings as a way to conserve the natural and wild lands that make Humboldt
    County special.
    I support measures to encourage, and where possible to require, greater housing
    affordability to ensure new development advances racial and economic justice in our
    community. Housing is the foundation for a strong community.
    I support streamlined zoning requirements and minimal design guidelines that allow for
    dense housing that remains affordable to build. This is to ensure that nonprofit,
    community-focused, and mission-driven developers can invest in housing in the district
    and are not negatively impacted by overly restrictive zoning guidelines that increase
    building costs and reduce affordability.
    I support the plan’s elimination of minimum parking mandates in the Gateway area. I
    support Arcata extending this policy across the city. The City of Arcata should not be
    mandating private automobile storage at the expense of walkability and public
    transportation. More walking, biking, and use of public transportation is quieter, less
    harmful to the environment, a healthy way to exercise, and reduces traffic accidents.
    Thank you,