Jane Woodward – Comments for the April 27, 2023, Planning Commission meeting




    Note:  What is shown below is a copy of the original letter, made for this website.  It is included here only so that the contents of the original letter can be searchable.  (The PDF received from the City is in the form of an image, and so is not a searchable document.)

    What is below is not the letter sent by the letter-writer. It may contain typographical errors and other departures from the original.  The PDF displayed above is accurate.  The text below is not accurate.  It is printed here for indexing purposes, so that each word can be indexed and included in the search.

    I want to welcome to our new Planning Commissioner Joel Yodowitz. You, Joel, have a lot on
    your plate to try to catch up to all this material and public comment.
    First, I want to address Commissioner Tagney’s concern about whether the public feels heard,
    and how to address that. There are those of us who continually submit both written and
    public comment in person and online on subjects of concern, such as L Street, sea level rise,
    parking, building height and density, and extension of high density residential designation to
    new areas in Arcata (the latest concern).
    To give you an example, I, the Transportation Safety Committee and others have asked Staff
    to put a plan on paper for L Street as a linear park so that the Commission and City Council
    can actually consider it as an alternative to a 1-way L Street truck route road. Without an
    actual diagram (or a detailed plan for how L Street would look if it became a one-way street),
    you went ahead and appear to have decided 4-2 on a straw vote to maintain the L-street
    couplet as a goal rather than as an implementation measure or a recommendation, on the
    presumption that it might take decades to actually occur and to allow the City to begin
    applying for grants and easements on properties they don’t currently own. You haven’t even
    gotten feedback from the Great Redwood Trail Agency, or existing businesses and residents
    along L Street, as far as I can tell.
    If the K/L Street couplet were only an implementation measure, that would have allowed the
    City to see if proposed improvements in K Street would resolve most of the traffic safety
    issues, as well as provide time to see how much traffic really arises from Gateway
    development. The Planning Commission totally ignored the close to 700 signers of the
    petition to maintain L Street as well as the recommendations from the Transportation Safety
    and Wetlands and Creeks Committees, without even discussing their reasoning or asking
    them to discuss this with you. So I’m asking the Planning Commission to 1) remove the K/L
    Street couplet as a goal and refocus it as an Implementation Measure, and 2) add the goal of
    continuing discussions of improvements to K Street including multiple traffic calming
    That is simply one example of my concerns. Another is the failure to schedule a discussion of
    the implications of sea level rise after having the joint session. We point out these issues, and
    they rarely appear to trigger discussion or get on agendas.

    Next, the general plan proposal to upzone additional areas of Arcata is a huge problem. Due to Fred Weis’s efforts on Arcata1.com and the efforts of others, property owners and neighbors are beginning to learn of their possible fate. That’s no way to treat the public. Thus far, I’ve seen no articles in the local papers to put the public on notice. Plus, several additional areas such as Bayview, Northtown and Sunset have been added as implementation measures, which designation probably means very little to the public, which doesn’t monitor what’s happening on a regular basis. I had to have it explained to me.
    Last but not least, there are clearly problems with giving proper notice to the public of exactly
    what’s going to be on the agenda and providing attachments showing what’s going to be
    discussed. It’s not sufficient to say that you’re continuing discussion on “X” topic from a
    prior meeting when it’s not evident how far into the document that discussion ended and what
    remains to be addressed. These problems continue.
    These are just a few of the issues I’d like City Staff and the Planning Commission to
    consider. I hope you take the time to adequate address these issues.
    Thank you for your consideration.
    Jane Woodward, Arcata Resident