When will we see the draft Form-Based Code?
To: Community Development Director David Loya.
Planning Commission Chair Scott Davies, Commissioners Tangney, Mayer,
Lehman, Simmons, Yodowitz.
Mayor Schaefer, Vice-Mayor Matthews, Councilmember White.
Planning Commission Chair Scott Davies, Commissioners Tangney, Mayer,
Lehman, Simmons, Yodowitz.
Mayor Schaefer, Vice-Mayor Matthews, Councilmember White.
From: Fred Weis
Date: May 25, 2023
Subject: When will we see the draft Form-Based Code?
Two questions for Community Development Director David Loya.
1. When will we see the draft of the Form-Based Code? A by-when date, please.
2. When is the Planning Commission scheduled to review and discuss this draft? Dates, please.
In connection with the Commission’s discussion of the Form-Based Code there are associated questions, including:
a) Will there be a time period of, say, a couple of weeks, between the time we see the draft FBC and the time it is discussed.
Or is the intention to have it be in an agenda packet on Friday, to be discussed at a regular meeting the following Tuesday.
Or is the intention to have it be in an agenda packet on Friday, to be discussed at a regular meeting the following Tuesday.
b) How many meetings are proposed for the discussion.
c) Is the intention for the current “Framework” to be utilized in the discussion of the draft FBC, whereby the Commissioners submit their comments and they are compiled, prior to the meeting.
d) Will the public be contributing to this discussion — not just through written comments and in-meeting communication, but in a recognized, compiled format of community input.
Please respond. Thank you.
— Fred Weis