Fred Weis – February 22, 2023 – City Council / Committee Chairs meeting on





    Note:  What is shown below is a copy of the original letter, made for this website.  It is included here only so that the contents of the original letter can be searchable.  (The PDF received from the City is in the form of an image, and so is not a searchable document.)

    What is below is not the letter sent by the letter-writer. It will contain typographical errors and other departures from the original.  The PDF displayed above is accurate.  The text below is not accurate.  It is printed here for indexing purposes, so that each word can be indexed and included in the search.

    Please include this with the letters.
    To: Honorable Mayor Schaefer, Councilmembers Matthews, Stillman, Atkins-Salazar, and White
    Planning Commission Chair Vaissade-Elcock
    City Manager Diemer, Community Development Department Director Loya, CDD staff Dart, Freitas
    From: Fred Weis
    Re: Council meeting with Committee Chairs is on-line
    Request for Form-Based Code stud session recording reimbursement
    Honorable Mayor et al:
     Audio recordings of the Council meeting with Committee Chairs from last night (Feb 21) are on-line on
    They can be seen under “What’s New” or via the newest articles on the Council’s portal page at
     Councilmember Kimberley White had requested this, as she was unable to attend the meeting
    because of illness.
    Please forward this information to the Chairs and other participants.
    I would like to include photos of the notes that Karen Diemer and Emily Sinkhorn were taking. Please
    let me know how I could obtain photos. (Easiest would be for someone to take the photos and send
    them to me, or I could stop by and take photos.)
    The article on the Coastal Commission approval of the wastewater treatment facilities that Gregory
    Daggett had mentioned is there also.
     As a point of curiosity, we can note (without substantial significance, we hope):
    The current Arcata City Council is composed entirely of female‐gender‐oriented persons.
    Chairs of the nine Committees are entirely male‐gender‐oriented persons.
    (The Chair of the Planning Commission is Julie Vaissade‐Elcock.)
     The Planning Commission study session of February 11 is on also. This was the first inperson meeting with our Form-Based Code consultant, Ben Noble. Because the
    Councilmembers were requested to not be present, and for members of the public who were not able
    to be there for four hours on a Saturday morning, a couple of members of the community and I hired
    the videographer Eric Black to record video of the event, and I recorded audio. The video is a bit crude
    (Eric supplied just the raw footage), but very useful. All the slides and course materials from the
    workshop are included in the articles.
     There will be two more Planning Commission 4-hour study sessions with Ben Noble. These meetings
    are scheduled for March 18 and April 22.
     The cost of hiring Eric was $175. There was a bit of software required for the video transfer, $19.
    Total $194. The two future recordings of the study sessions would have direct costs $175 each. My
    time in putting together the material was about ten hours — no direct cost on that, of course.
     We request that a reimbursement for this $194 expense and and allocation of $350 for the
    two future study session events. If there are going to be other in-person meetings with Ben Noble,
    I’d like to see them recorded also, either by me or by the City.
     I consider the decision to not create even audio recordings of this Planning Commission
    study session to be evidence of poor management. Part of the $118,000 that the Council
    allocated for Form-Based Code development is intended for public outreach and engagement. The
    public workshops and accompanying public surveys have not been adequately promoted. (The e-mail
    announcements of the public workshops and the Mad River Union press releases have not
    mentioned the surveys. ) I am aware that the Community Development staff is overworked, but
    these are decisions, not time-consuming activities.
     I would be glad to discuss what I regard as lack of real community engagement separately. Despite all
    the very many meetings and outreach, clearly something is wrong. The outreach has not produced
    results — and for simple reasons, I think.
    Please feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions.
    Thank you.
    — Fred Weis