David Loya – March 22, 2023 – “Policy Pitch” format to the Planning Commissioners



    David Loya:
    For decisions such as this that the other commissioners are readily compelled by the central argument, we can complete discussion and make a decision in under two minutes. I would offer that we’d have little to gain by spending more time.


    Note:  What is shown below is a copy of the original letter, made for this website.  It is included here only so that the contents of the original letter can be searchable.  (The PDF received from the City is in the form of an image, and so is not a searchable document.)

    What is below is not the letter sent by the letter-writer. It will contain typographical errors and other departures from the original.  The PDF displayed above is accurate.  The text below is not accurate.  It is printed here for indexing purposes, so that each word can be indexed and included in the search.


    From: David Loya
    Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2023 4:56 PM
    To: Jennifer Dart; Joe Mateer; Delo Freitas
    Subject: Policy Pitch Tool
    Attachments: Policy Pitch Tool.docx


    Dear Commissioners,
    I said at our last meeting that I would provide support for policy pitches. I’ve enclosed a format that you may find useful along with an example from our last meeting. I timed myself reading the example, and I came in at 43 seconds at a pretty leisurely pace. For decisions such as this that the other commissioners are readily compelled by the central
    argument, we can complete discussion and make a decision in under two minutes. I would offer that we’d have little to gain by spending more time.

    Even if Commissioner B in this example just wanted to clarify a point that was made, I think we could address those
    follow up questions quickly and move to decision.
    It may be hard and clunky at the start, but I think we’ll find our rhythm and get better as we use and modify it.
    David Loya (him)
    Community Development Director
    City of Arcata
    p. 707‐825‐2045
    I acknowledge my residence in Goudi’ni (Arcata), part of the ancestral territory of the Wiyot peoples. I offer my
    reconciliation and respect to their elders past and present.
    To grow opportunity and build community equitably.
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    Policy Pitch Tool
    The following structure could be used to succinctly pitch your ideas for policy change.
    Pitch format
    I propose changing Policy [cite policy number] to reflect/incorporate [state the major concept].
    This is important because X, Y, and Z.
    As currently drafted, the policy doesn’t address A, B, and C.
    If we make this change, positive outcomes will include Q, R, and S.
    In practice, this might look like:
    Commissioner A:
    “I propose changing the Objective under Policy LU-2 to read: “compatible with established and planned
    neighborhood design elements.” The full language is shown on the screen.
    As currently drafted, the policy does not appear to allow changes to neighborhoods we would like to
    see, it focuses on “character”, which has historically racial undertones we do not wish to perpetuate,
    and the policy establishes a vague, subjective standard that cannot truly be communicated – each
    person probably has their own view of what the neighborhood character is.
    The proposed change focuses on existing and future desired design elements, which we can convey
    explicitly through zoning and design regulations. The proposed language will strengthen compatibility
    between the form-based codes we develop for the Gateway, and other Infill Opportunity Zones, and the
    General Plan.”
    Objective. Allow for a mix of housing types and densities to ensure residents at all ages
    and abilities have safe, healthy, and affordable homes that meet their physical, social,
    and economic needs through housing production, preservation, and conversion that is
    compatible with established and planned neighborhood character design elements.
    “Are there any opposed to this change? Seeing none, consider it amended.”
    “Are there any opposed to this change? Commissioner B, please provide your counter proposal” [and
    the cycle repeats.]