Danelle Merz — May 15, 2022


    Andrea Tuttle did an excellent job of outlining key problems with this plan.
    When I discuss this with other citizens of Arcata, they are most surprised by the idea of 6 and 8 story buildings.
    Wastewater treatment capacity is indeed a primary factor that should be carefully scrutinized.
    Please put the brakes on this plan and start first looking at all the infrastructure and cost involved in such a massive undertaking. The citizens of Arcata need information about the underlying costs this will generate.


    Note:  What is shown below is an optical scan of the original letter, made for this website.  It is included here only so that the contents of the original letter can be searchable.  (The PDF received from the City is in the form of an image, and so is not a searchable document.)

    What is below is not the letter sent by the letter-writer. It will contain typographical errors and other departures from the original.  The PDF displayed above is accurate.  The text below is not accurate.  It is printed here for indexing purposes, so that each word can be indexed and included in the search.



    From: Danelle Merz  Date: Sun, May 15, 2022 at 3:12 PM

    Subject: Draft Gateway Plan


    Karen Diemer, City Manager, Please share the attached letter.

    Arcata Council Members and Planning Commissioners:

    c/o Karen Diemer, City Manager

    I am a longtime Arcata resident and have been following information and opinions regarding the Gateway Area plan for months. I have read the plan and was especially pleased to see the detailed audit of the plan written by Andrea Tuttle in the Mad River Union. She did an excellent job of outlining key problems with this plan. I strongly support what she has written and am impressed that she has the true educational background and experience to put forth such information.

    Wastewater treatment capacity is indeed a primary factor that should be carefully scrutinized. The Creekside Home Project has already been approved adding 160 units not even considering double occupancy, caregivers, and visitors, not to mention the 1000 units that Cal Poly Humboldt intends to build with possible known or unknown double occupancy. This alone will put a strain on wastewater treatment and what about Life Care Humboldt that has just had an offer for property accepted. Many of Arcata’s citizens have supported this endeavor and are looking forward to its development which includes a bit under 100 units that will also include workers and caregivers.

    I do support growth and needed housing however this draft plan outlines a huge expensive plan that seems far beyond the small-town look and feel that Arcata has maintained. When I discuss this with other citizens of Arcata, they are most surprised by the idea of 6 and 8 story buildings. Often, I hear displeasure regarding the 3 story buildings that have recently gone up in Arcata. For the most part people are shocked that these buildings are even being considered. What about the parking issues that will be generated7 We would all like to see bicycles however my experience is that there is most likely going to be double occupancy cars associated with these dwellings. I live on the corner of 15th and I and apartments nearby do not have space for all the extra cars. Frequently extra cars from nearby apartments park along 15th and students park and then walk on the walking bridge to Cal Poly HSU. I personally feel that 3 story structures are more than enough. I agree with Andrea Tuttle that design review should be required for anything over 2 stories. I also wonder if this plan has been reviewed under the California Environmental Quality Act?

    Before a plan like this moves forward it seems there is so much more to consider first. Primarily wastewater treatment, water supplies, not to mention police and firefighting personnel and the equipment these services would need to function for growth this size. Please put the brakes on this plan and start first looking at all the infrastructure and cost involved in such a massive undertaking. The citizens of Arcata need information about the underlying costs this will generate.
