On September 20, 2023, the Arcata City Council awarded a contract for $154,890 to the Eureka branch of GHD for Arcata Sea Level Rise Vulnerability and Adaptation Planning Services.
This article contains the video of that section of the meeting, the staff report on this business item, and the full GHD proposal, dated September 7, 2023.
A presentation by Brett Vivyan of the Eureka office of GHD, regarding their proposal for Arcata Sea Level Rise Vulnerability and Adaptation Planning Services. With questions and comments from City Councilmembers and the public.
The presentation with comments and questions is 32 minutes total time. It is cued up in the video below.
You can view the video as a full screen by pressing the “box” at the lower right corner of the YouTube screen. When you’re in full-screen viewing, pressing Escape will bring it back.
The business item:
Award a Contract in the Amount of $154,890 to GHD for Arcata Sea Level Rise Vulnerability and Adaptation Planning Services and Authorize the City Manager to Execute All Applicable Documents.
The City applied for funding from the California Coastal Commission’s rolling LCP Local Assistance Grant Program to help fund coastal resiliency planning along Arcata’s shoreline, including a vulnerability assessment, hazard scenario planning, and development of an adaptation plan for capital improvement. The grant application was awarded on May 2, 2023, and the City Council adopted Resolution No. 223-54 accepting the grant award on May 17, 2023. The grant agreement was executed on July 28, 2023. A Request for Qualifications & Proposals (RFQ/P) for an engineering consultant to provide services in support of the project was released on August 22, 2023, with submissions due on September 7, 2023.
It is recommended that the Council:
1) Award a contract in the amount of $154,890 to GHD for Arcata Sea Level Rise
Vulnerability and Adaptation Planning Services; and
2) Authorize the City Manager to execute all applicable documents.
The staff report
From City Council agenda packet, pages 61-63.
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The GHD proposal
From City Council agenda packet, pages 64-82.
You can use the + and – keys to enlarge or reduce the size.