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HomeArcataEureka's Vision Statement -- How does it compare to Arcata's?

Eureka’s Vision Statement — How does it compare to Arcata’s?

Eureka’s vision statement seems to say:
If we build a great city, then people will come and enjoy their lives here.


Arcata’s vision statement seems to say:
If people enjoy their lives here, then we will have a great city.

Eureka is vastly different from Arcata…    

… and their vision statements reflect this. The vision statement of the City of Eureka, from 2018, is quite different from Arcata’s draft Vision Statement, currently being developed for Arcata’s General Plan 2045, and expected to be adopted in 2024.

Here are two sections from Vision Statements of award-winning cities from around the world, (reading time: 8 minutes) here on

  • The vision should have a personality of its own. It should define the peculiar facets of the city’s long-term success and what sets it apart from the rest of the world. 
  • Vision statements must be unambiguous and bring clarity to the employees, citizens, and community.
  • The values and belief systems of the city should be reflected in the statements.
  • The statements should be challenging and motivating at the same time.
  • The vision, mission, goals, and strategic objectives should be aligned and should be achievable.

Seven common themes of successful Vision Statements

1. People First
2. Inclusion, Diversity, and Equality
3. Health and Well Being of the Community
4. Strategic Foresight and Future Shaping
5. Green Economy – Sustainability and Climate Change
6. Innovative, Smart, and Digital Cities
7. Prosperous Economy and International Recognition

Eureka vs. Arcata:  The differences in the Vision Statements

  • Arcata’s is by far more people-oriented. 
  • Eureka includes “Preserve our small town charm.” Arcata’s seems to be headed to the future. “New development complements the character of the neighborhood” is the most we get about the past in Arcata’s vision statement.
  • In the structure of the individual sentences, Arcata’s says “We are” and We will” and We promote” and so forth. Eureka’s Vision Statement is terse, made of commands and directives. Foster x; Support y; Promote z; Maintain b; Encourage c. They are two different styles of writing. Arcata’s includes the reader. Eureka’s informs the reader.
  • If you think Arcata’s vision statement has too much “aspiration” and not enough “achievable,” look at this statement from Eureka’s vision statement:
    “Revitalize and beautify the Broadway Corridor.”
    People of Eureka, I wish you well. But that’s a Hercules-sized task.
  • Much of Eureka’s vision statement is about things, objects, buildings, infrastructure, and money. Arcata has passages on these matters, but overall is far more connected to human feelings and psychological needs, not about things.
  • Arcata’s discusses nature and the health of the planet. Eureka’s has mention of this, but it appears as a secondary issue. 
  • Eureka’s seems to say:  If we build a great city, then people will come and enjoy their lives here.

    Arcata’s seems to say: If people enjoy their lives here, then we will have a great city.

You be the judge

Below is the 2018 Vision Statement for the City of Eureka. For more on the Vision Statement for Arcata, see the articles here on

The Eureka Vision Statement

From the 2040 General Plan, adopted October 15, 2018
Greg Sparks, City Manager
Rob Holmlund, Director, Development Services Department
For the full City of Eureka 2040 General Plan document, see here.