This story appeared on Channel 7 KRCR (ABC Eureka-Redding) TV news, on Thursday, April 13, 2023. The Arcata Planning Commission meeting that is referred to in the news story took place on April 11, 2023. The news story does have some factually incorrect material, but overall provides a good view of what amounts to a small subset of objections to the L Street Linear Park controversy. For more than 20 articles on the L Street Linear Park, including maps and aerial views so you can see where this is, see L Street Linear Park on this website. To sign the petition and join the more than 660 people who have already expressed their displeasure at putting a truck route alongside what is now a quiet place to meet and stroll, go to the Arcata L Street Linear Park website.
Arcata Planning Commission exploring L and K Streets couplet options
ARCATA, Calif. — The City of Arcata is exploring ways to make a busy street safer for those walking and cycling.
On Tuesday, the city’s planning commission analyzed different options for converting K Street to include more bike lanes and less parking. The idea of an L and K street couplet was also discussed.
“Through many discussions with both our internal staff, environmental services director, the director of engineering, and our consultants, we were compelled that the K and L Street Couplet was the best alternative,” City of Arcata Community Development Director David Loya said.
In the literal middle of the couplet concept is Chris Richards. His automotive shop of nearly 25 years, Chris Richards Automotive, sits where the proposed couplet would split off on the north end.
“I think it’s a poor proposal that doesn’t have a lot of support in the community, for a variety of reasons,” Richards said. “They would have to purchase the property or use eminent domain or some mechanism, which is highly unlikely to probably ever happen.”
Richards points out that with the couplet idea, the L Street connector would go through areas the city doesn’t have property rights to, including a portion of his land. He said his land isn’t for sale.
The city emphasized that when it comes to L Street, they will not be eliminating the trail. Much of the discussion focused instead on how to make K Street safer. However, the couplet idea wasn’t completely taken off the table. The planning commission ultimately voted to consider keeping the couplet as currently written in the Arcata Gateway Plan with a 4-2 vote.
Richards also said there is a community petition to help preserve the L Street Pathway as a designated Linear Park.