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“Dwelling Units per Acre” – Another terrible way of measuring housing

Since the aim of the Gateway plan is to provide housing for lots of people, then we’d want to see as many dwelling units per acre as possible, right?  To achieve more dwelling units per acre, we can do two things:  Build taller apartments or have more units on a floor (or both). And how do the number-crunchers make more units on a a floor?  They make smaller units.

“Housing Units” and “Housing Density” – Why these are terrible ways to measure housing success

To regard a three-bedroom apartment in the same way — as one “housing unit” — and equal to a studio apartment is just engineering-thinking. Instead, count the bedrooms. Count the number of people — adults and children — who might be living there. Homes are for people. Let’s not forget that.

The Gateway Plan Advisory Committee: Why it’s crucial

If the City Council chooses to go forward without the formation of this Advisory Committee, the completion of a good Gateway plan is, in my view, doomed to fail. Sorry to say that, but it’s sure how it seems to me.

Gateway Plan Advisory Committee introduced: PlanCom August 9th meeting

Introduction to the Gateway Plan Advisory Committee, as presented at the August 9th Planning Commission meeting. What is it and what will it do?

Gateway Plan Advisory Committee: Original Request

Details of the proposed Gateway Plan Advisory Committee were presented at the August 9th Planning Commission meeting . Here is a 1-page summary of how it would be set up and what it would do, and 2 pages with the 84 people who have signed up to support it.

Humboldt Association of Realtors: Let’s see some ownership opportunities

Letter from the Humboldt Association of Realtors requesting at least a 10% requirement of owner-occupied units to the Arcata Gateway Plan. 

Organic Food Waste: It’s very considerate of people….

"It's very considerate of people to separate their trash." Perhaps require new construction to accommodate or have collection services for food-waste -- as is done in Korea currently.

Maps: Building Height Districts

Maps of the "Land Use Designation" zoning districts of the Gateway area, with a proposal for a new district around the Creamery Building. The line through the central portion is a potential "L Street Pathway" linear park and walking "mall" that would extend from Alliance Road at the north and go to Samoa Boulevard at the south. It would be a car-free area, adjacent to the Creamery District arts area, alongside The Pub restaurant and many future restaurants and shops.

To build sustainable cities, involve those who live in them

Urban leadership needs to develop a shared vision that guides residents on their individual and collective contributions. Urban residents need to be involved in achieving set goals. Reprinted from "The Conversation"

Humor of the Day: “Always do your best”

Always do your best, and don't ever give up. Right?

The L Street Pathway Deception

The "couplet" created by making K Street and L Street be one-way, one-lane streets seems unlikely to happen. And if it were to take place, the joyful humanity of the current L Street Pathway would be destroyed. Why does it seem that the City is not being forthcoming on this? Why aren't we presented with alternatives?

8th and 9th Streets: Where’s the parking?

8th & 9th Streets are proposed as one-way streets with bike lanes. That sounds good. But it comes with a 30% reduction of parking on those streets. That sounds bad.

Are you a Bicyclist? Some questions for you.

New proposed bike lanes for K & L Streets and for 8th & 9th Streets. Could we do without a K Street bike lane and instead keep L Street bikeable, walkable, and protected from vehicle traffic?

Traffic Studies, Anyone?

We've been promised to see Traffic Studies for getting close to a year. Do they exist? Have they been started? Can we see them? What is going on?

Does Building Luxury Condos Create More Affordable Housing?

This article is a re-print of the article of the same name in the July 25/August 1, 2022, issue of The Nation. It is...

Cal Poly: Craftsman Dorms

At the site of the Craftman's Mall, Cal Poly Humboldt plans to put in dorms for 1,050 students. Is that good? Well, 5,500 dorm beds are needed.

A possible 6-story design for Arcata

Here's a 6-story building that could work in Arcata, with some modifications. Originally proposed for Santa Cruz, it incorporates many of the design elements and features people here have said are important.

Issues with Ben Noble’s presentation

Ben Noble’s Form-Based Code presentation is good -- but far from perfect. The presentation could have been soooo much better.  Here's what was missing.

Other work Ben Noble has done? It’s not a good situation.

Arcata's consultant on the Form-Based Code, Ben Noble, and top City Staff have been unwilling or unable to provide suitable examples of his work. Why is the public being stonewalled? Is there something to hide?

We want Arcata to look like this?

Would you want to live here? Various photos of "Ugh" -- And we say:  Please not in Arcata. This page will be updated as new examples of "Ugh" roll in, so come back for more if you want. 

Meriam Park, Chico: Where Form-Based Code didn’t work out so well

Why the Chico Meriam Park development in Chico is a terrible example of Form-Based Code

Ben Noble: Form-Based Code Presentation

A short article with a link to Ben Noble's Form-Based Code presentation, from June 29, 2022. You MUST see this if you want to know more about how the Gateway Plan will work. Includes a Table of Contents to jump to a specific section of the presentation.

What makes a good form-based code?

Many form-based codes meander away from the fundamental principles that make them attractive in the first place. From the website of Smart Growth America.

Quimby Act Dreams — How do we get parks in Gateway?

The "plan" for human-access parks in the Arcata Gateway area is woefully inadequate. To make the Gateway area livable for thousands of people, we need real parks.

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